Category: Yu-Gi-Oh!


Crackdown Rulings

Crackdown is gaining popularity in Control decks such as Altergeist and Subterror. Here are some common rulings involving Crackdown.


OCG 2019.01 with Altergeist

After having Altergeist Multifaker semi-limited in the OCG 2018.10 Limit Regulation, Multifaker took another hit and became limited in OCG...


Salamangreat Reference Sheet

A quick guide of the various Salamangreat combos introduced in the earlier articles. Salamangreat Combo Vol. 1 Salamangreat Combo Vol....


Salamangreat Combo Vol. 3

Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the Salamangreat Combo article covered several different combos using only Salamangreat cards. Volume 3...