Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2014

The Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2014 was held on 9 – 10 August 2014 in Rimini, Italy. It was held together with the Dragon Duel World Championship 2014.


World Championship 2014

1st Canada Sehabi Kheireddine Infernity
2nd Japan Hiyama Shunsuke Artifact Traptrix
3rd USA Oliver Tomajko Infernity
4th Italy Niccoló Mazzoleni Bujin
5 – 8th USA Sean McCabe Geargia
Taiwan Huang Shin En Geargia
USA Jimmy Nguyen Infernity
Chile Rogger Antonio Vera Moran Traptrix Machina Gadget
9 – 22nd Australia Donald Thompson Geargia
Singapore Calvin Ang Prophecy
Japan Takano Kyousuke Dragon Ruler Lightsworn
Japan Fujita Kenshi Worm
USA Korey McDuffie Infernity
Italy Andrea Zenari Bujin
USA Tej Trivedi Geargia
Australia Jonathon Ritzau Geargia
Mexico Jose Lagunes Madolche
USA Deon Akridge Geargia
Germany Eugen Heidt Genex Atlantean Mermail
Japan Sugama Yoshihito Infernity
South Korea Choi Jun-Hyeong Evilswarm
Switzerland Marcel Burri Genex Atlantean Mermail


World Championship 2014 Competitors

World Championship 2014 Top 4

World Championship 2014 Top 4
From left to right: Niccoló Mazzoleni (Italy), Oliver Tomajko (USA), Hiyama Shunsuke (Japan), Sehabi Kheireddine (Canada)

2014 World Champion
Sehabi Kheireddine (Canada)


1st, Sehabi Kheireddine (Canada) [Infernity]

Source: 遊戯王OCG デュエルモンスターズ デュエリスト通信 (Wayback Machine), Lithium2300


2nd, Hiyama Shunsuke (Japan) [Artifact Traptrix]

Source: 遊戯王OCG デュエルモンスターズ デュエリスト通信 (Wayback Machine), @ekusu27, YuGiOh Edition Singapore


3rd, Oliver Tomajko (United States) [Infernity]

Source: 遊戯王OCG デュエルモンスターズ デュエリスト通信 (Wayback Machine), Lithium2300


4th, Niccoló Mazzoleni (Italy) [Bujin]

Source: 遊戯王OCG デュエルモンスターズ デュエリスト通信 (Wayback Machine), Lithium2300


5 – 8th, Sean McCabe (United States) [Geargia]

Source: Lithium2300


5 – 8th, Huang Shin En (Taiwan) [Geargia]

Source: Lithium2300, YuGiOh Edition Singapore


5 – 8th, Jimmy Nguyen (United States) [Infernity]

Source: Lithium2300


5 – 8th, Rogger Antonio Vera Moran (Chile) [Traptrix Machina Gadget]

Source: Lithium2300


9 – 22nd, Donald Thompson (Australia) [Geargia]

Source: Lithium2300


9 – 22nd, Calvin Ang (Singapore) [Prophecy]

Source: Lithium2300


9 – 22nd, Takano Kyousuke (Japan) [Dragon Ruler Lightsworn]

Source: @kitachris1003


9 – 22nd, Fujita Kenshi (Japan) [Worm]

Source: @shallomira


9 – 22nd, Korey McDuffie (United States) [Infernity]

Source: Korey McDuffie


9 – 22nd, Tej Trivedi (United States) [Geargia]

Source: Lithium2300


9 – 22nd, Jonathon Ritzau (Australia) [Geargia]

Source: The Brady Bunch – Yugioh Team


9 – 22nd, Jose Lagunes (Mexico) [Madolche]

Source: Lithium2300


9 – 22nd, Deon Akridge (United States) [Geargia]

Source: Deon Akridge


9 – 22nd, Eugen Heidt (Germany) [Genex Atlantean Mermail]

Source: Lithium2300


9 – 22nd, Sugama Yoshihito (Japan) [Infernity]

Source: @yoshix3939


9 – 22nd, Choi Jun-Hyeong (South Korea) (South Korea) [Evilswarm]

Source: full_moon03


9 – 22nd, Marcel Burri (Switzerland) [Genex Atlantean Mermail]

Source: Lithium2300



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6 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    Are we going to get full Decklist for all the decks or just the deck type

    • Akira says:

      I’ll be posting up the deck lists as well. Currently I have the Top 4 deck lists up, and will be updating with whatever that I can find. Cheers!

  2. Oscar says:

    Are you going to post the bracket?

    • Akira says:

      Sorry for the late reply, my mail notification wasn’t working apparently. That’s a great idea, but I think I won’t have time to work on it for a while.

  3. Choi jun hyeong says:

    http://m.blog.naver.com/full_moon03/220094321216 SouthKorea choi jun hyeong

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