Yu-Gi-Oh! Asia Championship 2010

Yu-Gi-Oh! Asia Championship 2010 was held on 10 January 2010 in Taipei, Taiwan.


  • 5 rounds of Round Robin
  • 2 points for 2-0, 1 point for 2-1, 0 point for 1-2, -1 point for 0-2
  • Tiebreaker determined by total time used by the player for their 5 matches

Asia Championship 2010

1st Teng Wan Choon Malaysia Lightsworn
2nd She Wei Hao (佘威皜) Taiwan Lightsworn
3rd Jiao Zhi Cheng (焦桎誠) Taiwan Lightsworn
4th Eu Yong Xiang (余永祥) Singapore Blackwing
5th Song Ki-Wook (송기욱) Korea Lightsworn
6th Luk Chi Hang (陸志恆) Hong Kong Blackwing


Asia Championship 2010 Competitors and
World Championship 2009 Asia Representatives

Asia Championship 2010 Top 4
From left to right: Eu Yong Xiang (Singapore), Jiao Zhi Cheng (Taiwan), She Wei Hao (Taiwan), Teng Wan Choon (Malaysia)


1st, Teng Wan Choon (Malaysia) [Lightsworn]

Source: Nw BBS 壬天堂世界


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5 Responses

  1. 1@1.com says:

    korean player name is Song-Ki-Wook, and his youtube channel: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCqod4uMkApqI8vezeQWwBTw

  2. Chaos says:

    Tfw the next Worlds winner is a ftk :p

  3. Wu Ho Fai says:

    Where did the past tournament reports go?

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