OCG 2021.07 Metagame Report #4

Welcome to Week #4 of the OCG 2021.07 format.

This report will tabulate 160 top-performing decks from 30 tournaments that were held in Japan and China Mainland during 22 – 25 July 2021.


Metagame Breakdown

  • 29 Swordsoul (27 Swordsoul, 2 Tenyi Swordsoul)
  • 23 Virtual World
  • 11 Eldlich (9 Eldlich, 2 Grass Zombie Eldlich)
  • 11 Tri-Brigade (9 Tri-Brigade, 2 Destiny HERO Tri-Brigade)
  • 10 Floowandereeze (8 Floowandereeze, 2 Dogmatika Floowandereeze)
  • 9 Drytron
  • 9 HERO
  • 7 Code Talker
  • 7 Dragonmaid (6 Dragonmaid, 1 Destiny HERO Dragonmaid)
  • 6 Sky Striker
  • 5 Thunder Dragon (4 Chaos Thunder Dragon, 1 Destiny HERO Thunder Dragon)
  • 4 Endymion
  • 3 Shaddoll (1 Dogmatika Invoked Shaddoll, 1 Grass Dogmatika Shaddoll, 1 Grass Invoked Shaddoll)
  • 3 Tri-Brigade Lyrilusc
  • 2 Danger Dark World
  • 2 Evil★Twin
  • 2 Orcust
  • 2 Phantom Knights
  • 2 Prank-Kids
  • 2 Salamangreat
  • 2 @Ignister
  • 1 Cyber Dragon
  • 1 Destiny HERO Burning Abyss
  • 1 Grass Destiny HERO Adamancipator
  • 1 Junk Doppel
  • 1 Madolche
  • 1 Numeron
  • 1 SPYRAL
  • 1 Traptrix
  • 1 Zefra



Bao (バオ) went 7-1 and finished 1st in “No-Face CS” which had 64 participants.

As Swordsoul becomes one of the more popular deck in the current metagame, Swordsoul builds are now adjusting for the mirror match.

Shooting Riser Dragon is used for sending Token Collector to the graveyard.

Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir is used in a counterplay against Token Collector. When the opponent activates Token Collector against your Swordsoul of Mo Ye or Swordsoul of Taia, you can either take control of the opponent’s Token Collector with Triple Tactics Talent, or chain with your own Token Collector. Then the Level 4 Swordsoul monster and Token Collector can be used to Xyz Summon Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir to stall for a turn. Bagooska could then be used to bring out Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS – Sky Thunder on the next turn.

Ruddy Rose Dragon is used for banishing threats from the graveyard such as Token Collector, Eldlich the Golden Lord, Destiny HERO – Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer.


Virtual World

Shirax (しらっくす) went 6-0-2 and finished 1st in “35th Next Play Cup (2v2 Team Battle)” which had 32 Teams (64 participants).

Compared to the build he ran last week, he took out 2 Zombie World from the Side Deck for 1 more Lightning Storm and 1 Mystic Mine. The amount of Floowandereeze is lowered than initially perceived, so he switched over to more generic Side Deck cards that are applicable across a wider range of decks.



The extended weekend saw 4 days of back-to-back tournaments held in Japan, giving us a good amount of data to evaluate.

The current competitive scene has Swordsoul in the lead followed by Virtual World behind, but the metagame is not set in stone yet. Many decks such as Swordsoul, Floowandereeze and HERO have yet to arrive at their optimized build as players are still experimenting and refining their strategies.

Burst of Destiny has also brought along a resurgence of HERO decks in the competitive scene. Destiny HERO – Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer provides a non-targeting destruction effect that can be activated on either player’s turn. Although this ② effect requires you to destroy 1 card you control too, you can choose to destroy Destiny HERO – Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer, whose ③ effect would then trigger allowing it to Special Summon itself from the graveyard on the next Standby Phase.

Destiny HERO – Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer‘s destruction effect is a reliable disruption in the current metagame. A few decks are running a small Destiny HERO package consisting of 2 Destiny HERO monsters, 1 – 3 Fusion Destiny and 1 Predaplant Verte Anaconda to be able to run Destiny HERO – Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer as part of their arsenal.

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10 Responses

  1. Dreadlash says:

    Why such a difference with Prank kids, they were in the top 3 last 3 weeks, and now… only 2 topped ??

  2. Conjecture says:

    I wonder what the Traptrix list was.

  3. Tony says:

    Does anyone have a full List for the HERO Decks?

  4. Domenico Montalto says:

    Where can I find the decklist of the Flundereeze decks?

  5. meriç says:

    Looking for sky striker decklist

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