OCG 2021.07 Metagame Report #0

Welcome to Week #0 of the OCG 2021.07 format.

This report will tabulate 102 top-performing decks from 19 tournaments that were held in Japan and China Mainland during 16 – 30 June 2021, played under the new OCG 2021.07 Limit Regulation.


New Product Release

  • V Jump August 2021 promotional card
    • Astral Kuriboh
  • Structure Deck: Overlay Universe


Metagame Breakdown

  • 21 Virtual World
  • 12 Tri-Brigade
  • 10 Prank-Kids
  • 8 Code Talker
  • 8 Dragonmaid
  • 7 Drytron
  • 5 Thunder Dragon (3 Chaos Thunder Dragon, 1 Thunder Dragon, 1 Grass Chaos Necro Thunder Dragon)
  • 5 Tri-Brigade Lyrilusc
  • 4 Zefra
  • 3 Endymion
  • 3 Shaddoll (1 Invoked Shaddoll, 1 Grass Invoked Shaddoll, 1 Grass Dogmatika Shaddoll)
  • 2 Eldlich (1 Eldlich, 1 Grass Zombie Eldlich)
  • 2 HERO
  • 2 @Ignister
  • 1 Adamancipator
  • 1 Amazement
  • 1 Dragon Link
  • 1 Numeron
  • 1 Phantom Knights
  • 1 Salamangreat
  • 1 Sky Striker
  • 1 SPYRAL
  • 1 Stealth Kragen
  • 1 True Draco


Virtual World

Virtual World was frequently in the second position for top-placing finishes in the OCG 2021.04 format, only behind Tri-Brigade. Zoodiac Drident was a powerful disruption against the Special Summon effects of Virtual World monsters, giving Zoodiac Tri-Brigade and Zoodiac an edge over Virtual World.

As Zoodiac Drident become forbidden in the OCG 2021.07 Limit Regulation, Virtual World was able to move up and becomes the deck to beat in the new format.

Magic Book (マジックブック) went 7-1 and finished 1st in “2nd (a-sports) Analog Sports CS” (3v3 Team) which had 32 teams (96 participants).



With Zoodiac Drident forbidden, Zoodiac Tri-Brigade is no longer viable as Zoodiac no longer has a strong opening play. Zoodiac Boarbow into Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS – Sky Thunder is still the strongest board clear play when going second, so some Tri-Brigade players are opting to keep the Zoodiac package in the Side Deck instead.

Hanehane (ハネハネ) went 6-0 (excluding 1 bye) and finished 3rd in “Asaka Cup (2v2 Team Battle)” which had 37 teams (74 participants).

He ran 3 Torrential Tribute and 3 Solemn Strike in the Main Deck for his choice of Trap Cards as they are more effective against against Virtual World compared to Infinite Impermanence.



Ogaon (おがおん) went 7-0 (excluding 1 bye) and finished 1st in “30th Next Play Cup” which had 32 participants.

He ran 2 Artifact Lancea in the Main Deck with the third copy in the Side Deck. Virtual World and Tri-Brigade are two of the most popular decks right now, running Artifact Lancea in the Main Deck is a reasonable tech choice.

He also ran 1 Droll & Lock Bird in the Main Deck and a second copy in the Side Deck. This is likely due to his read on the metagame that Drytron is on the rise.



The early OCG 2021.07 format has Virtual World taking the lead with Tri-Brigade and Prank-Kids following behind.

The current trio of Virtual World, Tri-Brigade and Prank-Kids is similar to the previous trio of Zoodiac Tri-Brigade, Virtual World and Zoodiac. The loss of Zoodiac Drident has Zoodiac Tri-Brigade revert to mono Tri-Brigade, but mono Zoodiac is no longer viable. Prank-Kids has a very similar playstyle as Zoodiac, both have 1-card opening setup, allowing them to run a huge amount of ‘hand traps’ to tech against the metagame.

The initial week of the new format leaned towards a slower pace as Trap-Build Code Talker and Dragonmaid were brought up as answers against Virtual World. But in the following week the format was significantly sped up with the rise of Drytron, causing Code Talker and Dragonmaid to falter behind.

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1 Response

  1. R.Urena says:

    Finally! Thank you for all that you guys do! Continue with the good work!

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