OCG 2020.07 Metagame Report #1, #2

Welcome to Week #1, #2 of the OCG 2020.07 format.

This report will tabulate 32 top-performing decks from 8 tournaments that were held in China, Japan and Vietnam during 4 – 12 July 2020.


New Product Release

  • Structure Deck: Masters of the Spiritual Arts


Metagame Breakdown

  • 6 Eldlich (2 Eldlich, 2 Numeron Eldlich, 1 Dragoon Numeron Eldlich, 1 Grinder Numeron Eldlich)
  • 5 Machina Orcust
  • 4 Orcust (3 Orcust, 1 Dragoon Orcust)
  • 3 Magician
  • 2 Mekk-Knight (1 Orcust Mekk-Knight, 1 Sacred Beast Mekk-Knight)
  • 2 Sky Striker
  • 2 Thunder Dragon
  • 2 Zefra
  • 1 Altergeist
  • 1 Code Talker
  • 1 Dogmatika Shaddoll
  • 1 Dragoon Cyber Dragon
  • 1 Numeron
  • 1 Rikka



Yang Guang (阳光) finished 1st in “Yizhihe Cards Ranking Tournament” which had 42 participants.

There has been an increase in Eldlich decks, especially the Numeron build. As Skill Drain is not relevant in the Eldlich mirror match, he ran only 2 copies in the Main Deck. If the amount of Eldlich in the metagame continues to increase, there is a possibility that Skill Drain would be delegated to the Side Deck.


Machina Orcust

Machina Orcust is currently very popular in China’s competitive scene. It takes advantage of the Machine synergy between Machina and Orcust such as using Urgent Schedule to go into the Scrap package as discussed in OCG 2020.01 Metagame Report #9, #10, and using Machina Fortress to discard Orcust monsters.

The earlier incarnation of Machina Orcust build ran a lot more Machina cards, like Machina Metalcruncher, Machina Resavenger, Machina Redeployment and Machina Overdrive, but it has since been shaved to just Machina Citadel and Machina Fortress. The shift to a heavier Orcust core enabled the Lib the World Key Blademaster play as discussed in OCG 2020.04 Store Metagame Report #8.

G-Star finished 3 – 4th in “Xingyue Dongman Tabletop Store Ranking Tournament” which had 52 participants.

System Down is a potential game-winner in the mirror match as it could banish both Machina and Orcust monsters, hence the opponent is likely to bring in Artifact Lancea from the Side Deck.



Toba (トバ) went 4-2 and finished 3 – 4th in “Tetsu-kai ~Ryusei no Arashi~” which had 41 participants.

He ran 3 Paleozoic Dinomischus in the Main Deck. Eldlich, Machina and Orcust comes with graveyard effects, so it is imperative to banish their monsters with Paleozoic Dinomischus to disrupt their resources. Paleozoic Dinomischus can also be used on face-up Spell/Trap, so it could also be used against Eldlich’s Spell/Trap cards.

The flexibility of being able to banish Mystic Mine and Skill Drain makes Paleozoic Dinomischus a reasonable choice to run in the Main Deck.



Eldlich, Machina Orcust and Orcust are currently in the lead in the dawn of the OCG 2020.07 format.

The heavy usage of graveyard monster effects among the top decks has resulted in Ice Dragon’s Prison seeing more play.

The reduced usage of ‘hand traps’ has resulted in Crossout Designator and Triple Tactics Talents being dropped from most decks. Called by the Grave is still being run as it could banish from the graveyard.

If you enjoyed these Weekly Metagame Reports, consider supporting Road of the King on Patreon. Cheers!



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12 Responses

  1. Jacopop20 says:

    Dragma Invoked dead?

  2. anwanten says:

    where can I find the rikka list?

  3. Isaac Ladrón de Guevara Morales says:

    Why there’s no dragma invoked? It’s because of numeron eldlich?

  4. dragon says:

    infernobleknight not relevant anymore due to linkkross hit right?

  5. f says:

    What’s up with de fusion on one of the pendulum lists? Is there something I’m missing?

  6. Hason says:

    Where can i find the magician decklist please???

  7. Blue Sky YGO says:

    Hello! Thanks for the info!

    Where i find Mekk-Knight Sacred Beast profile?


  8. Smoke says:

    Some information about the Code Talker Deck?

  9. revreborn says:

    Very informative detail, Akira. Keep up with the good work 🙂

  10. Philip says:

    Hi, I would like to see the code talker list :)!

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