Yu-Gi-Oh! Japan Championship 2022

Yu-Gi-Oh! Japan Championship 2022 Japan’s Number 1 Decisive Battle was held on 13 – 14 August 2022 in Tokyo and had 16 participants. This is an invite-only tournament comprising of 16 winners from the Area Qualifiers.

1st Kanamaru Shuu “マエカワ” Ishizu Tearlaments
2nd Sueda Takuto “よしだ” Dracoslayer
3rd Satou Yuuto “REAL-EYES” Ishizu Tearlaments
4th Sakuma Takahiro “さくま” Dracoslayer

Japan Championship 2022 Top 4

1st, Kanamaru Shuu [Ishizu Tearlaments]

Source: @maekawa511

2nd, Sueda Takuto [Dracoslayer]

Source: @Ysd_56

3rd, Satou Yuuto [Ishizu Tearlaments]

Source: @REALEYE20210108

4th, Sakuma Takahiro [Dracoslayer]

Source: @sakuma801


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7 Responses

  1. Windyz says:

    Wait what. How? Pend Best Deck??!

  2. Impendio says:

    How many people was this event?

    • Kenshiro says:

      approx 7500

    • Deproissant says:

      I don’t know where Kenshiro got the 7500 number from, but it seems like all 16 (or 17, I think I might’ve miscounted) participants were all winners of some sort of regionals that took place around spring.

      This particular 2-day event seems to feature 3 rounds of Swiss with Top 4 advancing. Maybe equivalent to UDS in the TCG, but way smaller?

  3. Manuel Matus says:

    Was this tournament best of 1 format?

  4. fis says:

    Where do you guys make the deck profile?

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