Yu-Gi-Oh! Asia Championship Winter 2018 Southern Taiwan Pre-Qualifier

Yu-Gi-Oh! Asia Championship Winter 2018 Southern Taiwan Preliminary Qualifier held on 19 November 2017 at Kaohsiung had 102 participants.

The Top 2 players of this tournament will be seeded in the Asia Championship Winter 2018 Taiwan Qualifier that will be held at Taipei on 9 December 2017.

1 – 2nd Wang Song-Sange (王淞生) SPYRAL
Kuo Po-Hung (郭柏宏) SPYRAL
3 – 4th Lin Sheng-Rong (林聖榮) SPYRAL
Huang Jiu-Fan (黃瑞帆) SPYRAL
5 – 8th Chen Yu-Chia (陳柚嘉) SPYRAL
Guo Ren-Jyun (郭任鈞) SPYRAL
Yao Yuan-Mao (姚元貿) SPYRAL
Chueh Hao-Hsuan (闕浩軒) SPYRAL


1 – 2nd, Wang Song-Sange [SPYRAL]

Source: 遊戲王官方社團

∗Side Deck was not revealed.


1 – 2nd, Kuo Po-Hung [SPYRAL]

Source: 遊戲王官方社團

∗Side Deck was not revealed.



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5 Responses

  1. Luxphos says:

    Why using veiller ? Is tjat realy good in this meta ?

  2. Big shaq says:

    Oger make the same and does not Targeting

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