Salamangreat Combo Vol. 3

Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the Salamangreat Combo article covered several different combos using only Salamangreat cards.

Volume 3 will be covering combos using non-Salamangreat support cards, namely Lady Debug and Speedroid Terrortop.


Combo 11: Lady Debug

  1. Normal Summon Lady Debug.
  2. Lady Debug ① effect, add Salamangreat Gazelle from deck to hand.
  3. Lady DebugSalamangreat Balelynx.
  4. Salamangreat Balelynx ① effect, add Salamangreat Sanctuary from deck to hand.
  5. Activate Salamangreat Sanctuary.
  6. Salamangreat BalelynxSalamangreat Balelynx (Left EMZ) (using Salamangreat Sanctuary ① effect).
  7. Salamangreat Gazelle ① effect, Special Summon itself from hand.
  8. Salamangreat Gazelle ② effect, send Salamangreat Spinny from deck to graveyard.
  9. Salamangreat Spinny ② effect, Special Summon itself from graveyard.
  10. Salamangreat Gazelle + Salamangreat SpinnySalamangreat Miragestallio (2nd MMZ).
  11. Salamangreat Miragestallio ① effect, detach Salamangreat Gazelle, Special Summon Salamangreat Jack Jaguar from deck.
  12. Salamangreat Balelynx + Salamangreat Jack JaguarSalamangreat Sunlight Wolf (Right EMZ).
  13. Salamangreat Jack Jaguar ② effect, shuffle Salamangreat Balelynx to deck, Special Summon itself from graveyard (4th MMZ).
  14. Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf ① effect, add Salamangreat Gazelle from graveyard to hand.

This is a 1-card opening with Lady Debug. It has no disruption but since you took back Salamangreat Gazelle, everything on the board is essentially free card advantage.


Combo 12: Lady Debug + (Salamangreat Gazelle or Salamangreat Spinny)

  1. Normal Summon Lady Debug.
  2. Lady Debug ① effect, add Salamangreat Gazelle or Salamangreat Spinny from deck to hand (whichever that is not in your opening hand).
  3. Lady DebugSalamangreat Balelynx (Left EMZ).
  4. Salamangreat Balelynx ① effect, add Salamangreat Sanctuary from deck to hand.
  5. Salamangreat Spinny ① effect, discard itself, +500 ATK to Salamangreat Balelynx.
  6. Salamangreat Gazelle ① effect, Special Summon itself from hand.
  7. Salamangreat Gazelle ② effect, send Salamangreat Roar from deck to graveyard.
  8. Salamangreat Spinny ② effect, Special Summon itself from graveyard.
  9. Salamangreat Gazelle + Salamangreat SpinnySalamangreat Miragestallio (2nd MMZ).
  10. Salamangreat Miragestallio ① effect, detach Salamangreat Gazelle, Special Summon Salamangreat Jack Jaguar from deck.
  11. Salamangreat Balelynx + Salamangreat Jack JaguarSalamangreat Sunlight Wolf.
  12. Activate Salamangreat Sanctuary.
  13. Salamangreat Sunlight WolfSalamangreat Sunlight Wolf (Right EMZ) (using Salamangreat Sanctuary ① effect).
  14. Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf ② effect, add Salamangreat Roar from graveyard to hand.
  15. Salamangreat Jack Jaguar ② effect, shuffle Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf to deck, Special Summon itself from graveyard (4th MMZ).
  16. Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf ① effect, add Salamangreat Gazelle from graveyard to hand.

Pairing Lady Debug with another card like Salamangreat Gazelle or Salamangreat Spinny would finish with a disruption in the form of a Salamangreat Trap.


Combo 13: Lady Debug + (Salamangreat Gazelle or Salamangreat Spinny)

  1. Normal Summon Lady Debug.
  2. Lady Debug ① effect, add Salamangreat Gazelle or Salamangreat Spinny from deck to hand (whichever that is not in your opening hand).
  3. Lady DebugSalamangreat Balelynx.
  4. Salamangreat Balelynx ① effect, add Salamangreat Sanctuary from deck to hand.
  5. Salamangreat Spinny ① effect, discard itself, +500 ATK to Salamangreat Balelynx.
  6. Salamangreat Gazelle ① effect, Special Summon itself from hand.
  7. Salamangreat Gazelle ② effect, send Salamangreat Jack Jaguar from deck to graveyard.
  8. Salamangreat Spinny ② effect, Special Summon itself from graveyard.
  9. Salamangreat Gazelle + Salamangreat SpinnySalamangreat Miragestallio.
  10. Salamangreat Miragestallio ① effect, detach Salamangreat Gazelle, Special Summon Salamangreat Falco from deck.
  11. Salamangreat Balelynx + Salamangreat MiragestallioSalamangreat Sunlight Wolf.
  12. Activate Salamangreat Sanctuary.
  13. Salamangreat Sunlight WolfSalamangreat Sunlight Wolf (Left EMZ) (using Salamangreat Sanctuary ① effect).
  14. Salamangreat Jack Jaguar ② effect, shuffle Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf to deck, Special Summon itself from graveyard (2nd MMZ).
  15. Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf ① effect, add Salamangreat Gazelle from graveyard to hand.
  16. Salamangreat Jack Jaguar + Salamangreat FalcoNumber 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir.

This is an alternative to Combo 12, but instead of having a Salamangreat Trap as the disruption, this uses Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir to lock down monster effects.


Combo 14: Speedroid Terrortop

  1. Special Summon Speedroid Terrortop.
  2. Speedroid Terrortop ② effect, add Speedroid Taketomborg from deck to hand.
  3. Special Summon Speedroid Taketomborg.
  4. Speedroid Terrortop + Speedroid TaketomborgSalamangreat Miragestallio.
  5. Salamangreat Miragestallio ① effect, detach Speedroid Taketomborg, Special Summon Salamangreat Gazelle from deck.
  6. Salamangreat Gazelle ② effect, send Salamangreat Jack Jaguar from deck to graveyard.
  7. Salamangreat Miragestallio + Salamangreat GazelleSalamangreat Sunlight Wolf (Left EMZ).
  8. Salamangreat Jack Jaguar ② effect, shuffle Salamangreat Miragestallio to deck, Special Summon itself from graveyard (2nd MMZ).
  9. Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf ① effect, add Salamangreat Gazelle from graveyard to hand.
  10. Salamangreat Jack JaguarSalamangreat Balelynx.
  11. Salamangreat Balelynx ① effect, add Salamangreat Sanctuary from deck to hand.
  12. Activate Salamangreat Sanctuary.
  13. Salamangreat BalelynxSalamangreat Balelynx (using Salamangreat Sanctuary ① effect).

This is a 1-card opening with Speedroid Terrortop. Similar to Combo 11, it has no disruption but puts Salamangreat Gazelle in hand, and setup the board for swarming on the next turn.


Combo 15: Speedroid Terrortop + Lady Debug

  1. Special Summon Speedroid Terrortop.
  2. Speedroid Terrortop ② effect, add Speedroid Taketomborg from deck to hand.
  3. Normal Summon Lady Debug.
  4. Lady Debug ① effect, add Salamangreat Gazelle from deck to hand.
  5. Lady DebugSalamangreat Balelynx (Left EMZ).
  6. Salamangreat Balelynx ① effect, add Salamangreat Sanctuary from deck to hand.
  7. Special Summon Speedroid Taketomborg.
  8. Speedroid Terrortop + Speedroid TaketomborgSalamangreat Miragestallio (2nd MMZ).
  9. Salamangreat Miragestallio ① effect, detach Speedroid Taketomborg, Special Summon Salamangreat Spinny from deck.
  10. Salamangreat Balelynx + Salamangreat SpinnySalamangreat Sunlight Wolf (Right EMZ).
  11. Salamangreat Gazelle ① effect, Special Summon itself from hand.
  12. Salamangreat Gazelle ② effect, send Salamangreat Roar from deck to graveyard.
  13. Activate Salamangreat Sanctuary.
  14. Salamangreat Sunlight WolfSalamangreat Sunlight Wolf (Right EMZ) (using Salamangreat Sanctuary ① effect).
  15. Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf ② effect, add Salamangreat Roar from graveyard to hand.
  16. Salamangreat Spinny ② effect, Special Summon itself from graveyard (4th MMZ).
  17. Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf ① effect, add Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf from graveyard to hand.
  18. Salamangreat Gazelle + Salamangreat SpinnyNumber 75: Bamboozling Gossip Shadow.

This 2-card combo ends with 2 disruption in the form of a Salamangreat Trap and Number 75: Bamboozling Gossip Shadow.


Combo 16: Speedroid Terrortop + Lady Debug

  1. Special Summon Speedroid Terrortop.
  2. Speedroid Terrortop ② effect, add Speedroid Taketomborg from deck to hand.
  3. Normal Summon Lady Debug.
  4. Lady Debug ① effect, add Salamangreat Gazelle from deck to hand.
  5. Special Summon Speedroid Taketomborg.
  6. Speedroid Terrortop + Speedroid TaketomborgSalamangreat Miragestallio.
  7. Salamangreat Miragestallio ① effect, detach Speedroid Taketomborg, Special Summon Salamangreat Jack Jaguar from deck.
  8. Salamangreat Miragestallio + Salamangreat Jack JaguarSalamangreat Sunlight Wolf (Left EMZ).
  9. Salamangreat Gazelle ① effect, Special Summon itself from hand.
  10. Salamangreat Gazelle ② effect, send Salamangreat Roar from deck to graveyard.
  11. Salamangreat GazelleSalamangreat Balelynx (2nd MMZ).
  12. Chain 2: Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf ① effect, add Salamangreat Gazelle from graveyard to hand.
  13. Chain 1: Salamangreat Balelynx ① effect, add Salamangreat Sanctuary from deck to hand.
  14. Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf + Salamangreat BalelynxSalamangreat Sunlight Wolf.
  15. Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf ② effect, add Salamangreat Roar from graveyard to hand.
  16. Salamangreat Jack Jaguar ② effect, shuffle Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf to deck, Special Summon itself from graveyard (2nd MMZ).
  17. Lady Debug + Salamangreat Jack JaguarNumber 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir.

An alternative to Combo 15, this 2-card combo ends with 2 disruption in the form of a Salamangreat Trap and Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir.



These combos have shown how Lady Debug and Speedroid Terrortop are also starter pieces for various opening combos.

Overall with so many different playable opening hands, Salamangreat has one of the highest consistency in OCG 2019.01, being able to make multiple plays on the first turn.

This is the end our three part Salamangreat combo series.

We will have to wait another week for the release of Dark Neostorm to observe if Salamangreat would be including any new cards that might spur new combos.

If you enjoyed these Combo articles, do consider supporting Road of the King on Patreon. Thank you.



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16 Responses

  1. etgetg says:

    Lady Debug → Salamangreat Veilynx (Left EMZ).
    Chain 2: Salamangreat Gazelle ① effect, Special Summon itself from hand.

    no SG sent to GY

  2. Joemar says:

    Thanks again for the Combo articles, I really like these a lot.

  3. Gaben says:

    I was wondering why the decklist had Number 75, because to be honest I completely forgot that it had a disruption effect. The only time it ever gets used in the TCG is to perform the Rhongymniad Lock, so can you really blame me?

    • Matt Aleixo says:

      Tbh i thought the same thing. I kept hearing ppl usong it and i was like “what are they overlaying with it?

  4. Chaos says:

    Hey, thanks for posting these helpful articles ! Could you also consider featuring Subterror flow/decklists? Thank you in advance

  5. gallantron says:

    Combo 14, Step 8 – there is no Sunlight Wolf in the GY yet.

  6. MornStar says:

    Thanks for sharing!
    BTW,in Combo11 step13,there is no wolf in GY. I think it should be Veilynx.

  7. DoubleA12 says:

    Combos 13 and 14 use the same picture

  8. gallantron says:

    Both “Volume 1” and “Volume 2” link back to Vol.1.

  9. Saint nick says:

    Combo 12 can be an OTK for going 2nd if you change just a couple things.
    In step seven send fusion of fire to the GY
    Then in step 12/13 instead of using sanctuary link wolf and stallio into another wolf
    Step 14 pick up the fusion of fire
    Do step 15 and 16 like normal
    You now end up with a field that has the reincarnated sunlight wolf, a jack jaguar and a sanctuary that is unused. In your hand should also be a gazelle and a fusion of fire (plus whatever else you drew at the start). You then link jack jaguar and wolf into heatleo, then special summon gazelle because you destroyed jack jaguar. Then reincarnate heatleo to get his effect to target any monster your opponent controls and one in your GY and change the first monsters ATK to the second monsters ATK. Target any monster your opponent controls and your vielynx to make their ATK 500. Then use fusion of fire to fuse heatleo and gazelle to make violet chimera. Your ATK when you attack the monster whose ATK you changed will be 9400 dealing enough piercing damage to deplete their life points. I hope that explanation made sense. Please add to the list if you see this thanks!

  10. Saint nick says:

    Nevermind I forgot you can’t special gazelle twice in the same turn. My bad

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