OCG 2023.10 Metagame Report #5, #6

Welcome to Week #5, #6 of the OCG 2023.10 format.

This report will tabulate 251 top-performing decks from 45 tournaments that were held in Japan, China Mainland, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and South Korea during 28 October – 5 November 2023.

To better gauge the impact of the new booster set on the metagame, tournaments that did not allow Phantom Nightmare such as “CCT Xi’an 2023”, “Asia Campus League 2023 Hong Kong” and “Asia Campus League 2023 Taiwan” were excluded from this tabulation.

New Product Release

  • Phantom Nightmare

Metagame Breakdown

  • 43 Rescue-ACE (22 Sinful Spoils Snake-Eye Rescue-ACE, 21 Sinful Spoils Rescue-ACE)
  • 40 Fire King (31 Sinful Spoils Snake-Eye Fire King, 8 Sinful Spoils Fire King, 1 Tri-Brigade Fire King)
  • 19 Labrynth (10 Unchained Labrynth, 9 Labrynth)
  • 16 Supreme King Magician
  • 14 Branded (8 Branded, 6 Grass Branded)
  • 14 Purrely
  • 9 Centur-Ion (5 Horus Centur-Ion, 2 Centur-Ion, 1 Naturia Horus Centur-Ion, 1 Superheavy Samurai Centur-Ion)
  • 9 Voiceless Voice
  • 8 Snake-Eye (7 Snake-Eye, 1 Superheavy Samurai Snake-Eye FTK)
  • 7 Adamancipator (2 Grass Superheavy Samurai Vernusylph Adamancipator, 2 Fossil Vernusylph Adamancipator, 1 Grass Vernusylph Adamancipator, 1 Grass Naturia Vernusylph Adamancipator, 1 Vernusylph Adamancipator)
  • 6 Horus Naturia
  • 6 Runick (3 Runick, 2 Naturia Runick, 1 Chimera Runick)
  • 5 Dragon Link (3 Bystial Dragon Link, 2 Grass Bystial Dragon Link)
  • 5 Salamangreat
  • 5 Unchained
  • 4 Mannadium
  • 3 Chimera (2 Horus Chimera, 1 Chimera)
  • 3 Orcust (2 Horus Orcust, 1 Horus Visas Orcust)
  • 2 Code Talker Mathmech
  • 2 Floowandereeze
  • 2 Grass Infernoid
  • 2 Peformapal (1 Peformapal, 1 Supreme King Performapal)
  • 2 Sinful Spoils Adventurer Synchron
  • 2 Sky Striker
  • 1 Abyss Actor
  • 1 Centur-Ion Labrynth Plunder Patroll
  • 1 Dinomorphia
  • 1 Dinosaur
  • 1 Evil Eye
  • 1 Exosister
  • 1 Grass Raidraptor
  • 1 HERO
  • 1 Horus Eldlich
  • 1 Horus Therion
  • 1 Kashtira
  • 1 Nemeses Scareclaw
  • 1 Voiceless Voice Nekroz
  • 1 Sinful Spoils Dogmatika Invoked
  • 1 Sinful Spoils Mikanko
  • 1 Sunavalon Rikka
  • 1 Subterror
  • 1 Superheavy Samurai
  • 1 Superheavy Samurai Dracoslayer
  • 1 The Weather
  • 1 Tenyi Swordsoul
  • 1 True Draco
  • 1 Yubel


Snake-Eyes Poplar and Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames are new additions from Phantom Nightmare that greatly improved decks uses FIRE Attribute Monsters.

Snake-Eyes Poplar is a Level 1 Pyro monster that could be added to hand by Bonfire. When Snake-Eyes Poplar is added to hand except by drawing, it could be Special Summoned from hand, and then use its effect to add Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye from deck to hand. Snake-Eyes Poplar is then used to Link Summon Linkuriboh, then Snake-Eyes Poplar effect would place itself in the Spell & Trap Zone as a Continuous Spell. Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye could be activated by sending Snake-Eyes Poplar to graveyard as cost, and Special Summon Rescue-ACE Hydrant from deck. In addition to Diabellstar the Black Witch and WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoils, Snake-Eyes Poplar and Bonfire provides another way to fetch Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye, greatly improving the consistency of having a starter in the opening hand.

While S:P Little Knight is on the field, Effect Veiler and Infinite Impermanence have to be played pre-emptively on Rescue-ACE Turbulence before its Ignition Effect is activated. If Rescue-ACE Turbulence had its effect negated pre-emptively, S:P Little Knight and Rescue-ACE Turbulence could then be used to Link Summon Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames, and its effect would Special Summon Rescue-ACE Turbulence from the graveyard. Rescue-ACE Turbulence could now activate its Ignition Effect to Set up to 4 “Rescue-ACE” Quick-Play Spells / Normal Traps. The combination of S:P Little Knight and Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames allows Rescue-ACE to play around Effect Veiler and Infinite Impermanence effectively, ensuring that Rescue-ACE Turbulence Ignition Effect would resolve successfully.

Taibei Guanjun Niuroumian (台北冠军牛肉面) went 8-1-2 and finished 5 – 8th in “CCT Zhongshan 2023” which had 350 participants.

Fire King

Similarly, Fire King is also able to utilize Snake-Eyes Poplar and Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames in their build.

Normal Summon Snake-Eye Ash, and activate its effect to add Snake-Eyes Poplar from deck to hand. Special Summon Snake-Eyes Poplar from hand, and activate its effect to add Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye from deck to hand. Link Summon Linkuriboh using Snake-Eyes Poplar, then Snake-Eyes Poplar effect would place itself in the Spell & Trap Zone as a Continuous Spell. Snake-Eye Ash effect would send itself and Snake-Eyes Poplar to the graveyard as cost, to Special Summon Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon from deck. Activate Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye by sending Linkuriboh to graveyard as cost, and Special Summon Legendary Fire King Ponix from deck.

After performing the standard Fire King combo, Sacred Fire King Garunix and Legendary Fire King Ponix are used to Link Summon I:P Masquerena. Then I:P Masquerena and Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon are used to Link Summon Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames, and Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon effect would Special Summon Snake-Eye Ash and Snake-Eyes Poplar from the graveyard. Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames effect is activated to Special Summon Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon from the graveyard. Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon effect is activated to place I:P Masquerena from the graveyard in Spell & Trap Zone as a Continuous Spell. Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames, Snake-Eye Ash and Snake-Eyes Poplar are then used to Link Summon Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf and Decode Talker Heatsoul to generate card advantage. During the opponent’s turn, Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon effect would Special Summon I:P Masquerena from Spell & Trap Zone, then I:P Masquerena effect could be used to Link Summon S:P Little Knight, Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess or Topologic Zeroboros.

扰乱界的希望 has written an article explaining the deck build and combos: 龙翔凤翥——中山站冠军卡组蛇眼罪宝炎王完全解说!.

Longzhu OC (龙丶OC) went 11-2 and finished 1st in “CCT Zhongshan 2023” which had 350 participants.


The Black Goat Laughs is a new Normal Trap from Phantom Nightmare that Labrynth build have started running in the Main Deck.

When going first, The Black Goat Laughs ① effect could be used by declaring the opponent’s key monster to stop its Special Summon for this turn. However, the declared monster could still be Special Summoned from the graveyard, so the opponent could still use Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames effect to play around it.

When going second, The Black Goat Laughs could be discarded to activate Labrynth Chandraglier or Labrynth Stovie Torbie, then The Black Goat Laughs ② effect could be used by declaring their key monster to stop its effect from activating.

Tsujigiri (辻斬り) went 5-1 and finished 4th in “Taijyu Cup × Citron CS 3v3 Team Tournament” which had 37 teams (111 participants).


Phantom Nightmare has greatly powered up FIRE decks. Rescue-ACE and Fire King takes the lead, and even Snake-Eye performance has improved. Voiceless Voice also as a decent performance on its debut and is a deck worth looking out for.

As Effect Veiler and Infinite Impermanence has become less effective in the current metagame, some players are switching over to running Nibiru, the Primal Being or Droll & Lock Bird in the Main Deck. After the opponent played Bonfire to add Snake-Eyes Poplar to hand and then activates Snake-Eyes Poplar effect on Chain 1, Droll & Lock Bird could be activated on Chain 2. Resolving the Chain, Droll & Lock Bird would stop both players from adding cards from deck to hand, then Snake-Eyes Poplar would be Special Summoned from hand but could not activate its effect to add Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye from deck to hand.

If you enjoyed these Weekly Metagame Reports, consider supporting Road of the King on Patreon. Cheers!


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2 Responses

  1. kaokien says:

    Can we get this page translated? I tried reading it via Chrome but it’s pretty difficult to understand. https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv27661335/

  2. mica says:

    Where can I see the kashtira list?

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