Infernoble Knight Vol.1

King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table could not but fail to break into the competitive scene. The Song of Roland shall take the stage.

The Infernoble Knight, a sub-theme of the Noble Knight, debuted in Structure Deck R: Warriors’ Strike and received another wave of new cards in Rise of the Duelist.

This article will cover the basic Infernoble Knight combos and explore its potential in the OCG 2020.04 format.


Infernoble Knight Deck List

1st, 梗 [Infernoble Knight]

Round 1: Sky Striker OO
Round 2: Sky Striker OXO
Round 3: Dogmatika Shaddoll XX
Round 4: Sky Striker XOO
Round 5: Invoked Shaddoll XOO
Round 6: Dogmatika Shaddoll XOO


2020-05-02 | Guangzhou Yuefu CS Labour Day Tournament (64 participants)
1st, 肥羊 [Infernoble Knight]

Swiss Round 1: Adamancipator OO
Swiss Round 2: Adamancipator XOO
Swiss Round 3: Orcust OXO
Swiss Round 4: Eldlich OO
Swiss Round 5: Dogmatika Invoked OO
Round of 16: Magical Musket OO
Quarter-Final: Dogmatika Invoked OXO
Semi-Final: Dogmatika Invoked OO
Final: Dogmatika Invoked OO



The Infernoble Knight is comprised of FIRE Warrior monsters and uses the Infernoble Arms, their own variant of Equip Spell Cards. Thus Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights is aptly a key starter of their combo.

Any 1-card that can bring out 2 Warrior monsters on the field such as Sublime Knight – Expaladin + Squeaknight or Neo Space Connector + Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin will be applicable to Link Summon Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights.

The following combos will be starting with Sublime Knight – Expaladin, but the actual initiation point is Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights.


Combo 1: Sublime Knight – Expaladin

  1. Normal Summon Sublime Knight – Expaladin.
  2. Sublime Knight – Expaladin ① effect, equip Squeaknight from deck to it.
  3. Squeaknight ② effect, unequip this card and Special Summon it.
  4. Sublime Knight – Expaladin + SqueaknightIsolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights.
  5. Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights ① effect, add Sublime Knight – Expaladin from deck to hand.
  6. Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights ② effect, send “Infernoble Arms – Durendal” from deck to graveyard as cost, Special Summon Infernoble Knight – Renaud from deck.
  7. Infernoble Knight – Renaud ② effect, add “Infernoble Arms – Durendal” from graveyard to hand.
  8. Activate “Infernoble Arms – Durendal”, equip to Infernoble Knight – Renaud.
  9. “Infernoble Arms – Durendal” ① effect, add Infernoble Knight Oliver from deck to hand, then destroy “Infernoble Arms – Durendal”.
  10. Infernoble Knight Oliver ① effect, send Infernoble Knight – Renaud from field to graveyard as cost, Special Summon itself from hand.
  11. Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble KnightsLinkross
  12. Linkross ① effect, Special Summon 2 “Link Tokens”.
  13. Infernoble Knight Oliver + LinkrossCrystron Halqifibrax.
  14. Crystron Halqifibrax ① effect, Special Summon Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion from deck.
  15. Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion + “Link Token” → Martial Metal Marcher.
  16. Chain 2: Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion ② effect, Special Summon “Mecha Phantom Beast Token”.
  17. Chain 1: Martial Metal Marcher ① effect, Special Summon Infernoble Knight Oliver from graveyard.
  18. Infernoble Knight Oliver + “Link Token” → Infernoble Knight Captain Roland.
  19. Infernoble Knight Captain Roland ① effect.

  1. Crystron Halqifibrax + “Mecha Phantom Beast Token” → Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon.
  2. Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon ① effect, Special Summon 3 “Mecha Phantom Beast Tokens”.
  3. Infernoble Knight Captain Roland + “Mecha Phantom Beast Token” → Borreload Savage Dragon.
  4. Borreload Savage Dragon ① effect, equip Crystron Halqifibrax and place 2 Borrel Counters on it.
  5. Martial Metal Marcher + “Mecha Phantom Beast Token” → Stardust Charge Warrior.
  6. Stardust Charge Warrior ① effect, draw 1 card.
  7. Stardust Charge Warrior + “Mecha Phantom Beast Token” → Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles.
  8. Infernoble Knight Oliver ② effect, equip it to Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles.
  9. During the End Phase, Infernoble Knight Captain Roland ① effect, send Smoke Grenade of the Thief from deck to graveyard, then add Immortal Phoenix Gearfried from deck to hand.
  10. Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles ② effect, equip Smoke Grenade of the Thief from graveyard to it, equip Infernoble Knight Ogier from deck to it.
  11. Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles ① effect, destroy Smoke Grenade of the Thief.
  12. Smoke Grenade of the Thief effect, look at opponent’s hand, select 1 card and discard it.


Combo 2: Sublime Knight – Expaladin + Infernoble Knight Oliver

  1. Normal Summon Sublime Knight – Expaladin.
  2. Sublime Knight – Expaladin ① effect, equip Squeaknight from deck to it.
  3. Squeaknight ② effect, unequip this card and Special Summon it.
  4. Sublime Knight – Expaladin + SqueaknightIsolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights.
  5. Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights ① effect, add Sublime Knight – Expaladin from deck to hand.
  6. Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights ② effect, send Smoke Grenade of the Thief from deck to graveyard as cost, Special Summon Infernoble Knight – Renaud from deck.
  7. Infernoble Knight – Renaud ② effect, add Smoke Grenade of the Thief from graveyard to hand.
  8. Infernoble Knight Oliver ① effect, send Infernoble Knight – Renaud from field to graveyard as cost, Special Summon itself from hand.
  9. Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble KnightsLinkross
  10. Linkross ① effect, Special Summon 2 “Link Tokens”.
  11. Infernoble Knight Oliver + LinkrossCrystron Halqifibrax.
  12. Crystron Halqifibrax ① effect, Special Summon Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion from deck.
  13. Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion + “Link Token” → Martial Metal Marcher.
  14. Chain 2: Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion ② effect, Special Summon “Mecha Phantom Beast Token”.
  15. Chain 1: Martial Metal Marcher ① effect, Special Summon Infernoble Knight Oliver from graveyard.
  16. Infernoble Knight Oliver + “Link Token” → Infernoble Knight Captain Roland.
  17. Infernoble Knight Captain Roland ① effect.
  18. Crystron Halqifibrax + “Mecha Phantom Beast Token” → Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon.
  19. Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon ① effect, Special Summon 3 “Mecha Phantom Beast Tokens”.
  20. Activate Smoke Grenade of the Thief, equip it to Infernoble Knight Captain Roland.

  1. Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon ② effect, tribute itself to destroy Smoke Grenade of the Thief.
  2. Smoke Grenade of the Thief effect, look at opponent’s hand, select 1 card and discard it.
  3. Infernoble Knight Captain Roland + “Mecha Phantom Beast Token” → Borreload Savage Dragon.
  4. Borreload Savage Dragon ① effect, equip Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon and place 3 Borrel Counters on it.
  5. Martial Metal Marcher + “Mecha Phantom Beast Token” → Stardust Charge Warrior.
  6. Stardust Charge Warrior ① effect, draw 1 card.
  7. Stardust Charge Warrior + “Mecha Phantom Beast Token” → Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles.
  8. Infernoble Knight Oliver ② effect, equip it to Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles.
  9. During the End Phase, Infernoble Knight Captain Roland ① effect, send “Infernoble Arms – Durendal” from deck to graveyard, then add Immortal Phoenix Gearfried from deck to hand.
  10. Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles ② effect, equip Smoke Grenade of the Thief from graveyard to it, equip Infernoble Knight Ogier from deck to it.
  11. Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles ① effect, destroy Smoke Grenade of the Thief.
  12. Smoke Grenade of the Thief effect, look at opponent’s hand, select 1 card and discard it.


Combo 3: Infernoble Knight Ogier + Infernoble Knight – Renaud

  1. Normal Summon Infernoble Knight Ogier.
  2. Infernoble Knight Ogier ① effect, send Immortal Phoenix Gearfried from deck to graveyard.
  3. Infernoble Knight – Renaud ① effect, Special Summon itself from hand.
  4. Infernoble Knight – Renaud ② effect, add Immortal Phoenix Gearfried from graveyard to hand.
  5. Infernoble Knight Ogier + Infernoble Knight – RenaudIsolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights.
  6. Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights ① effect, add Sublime Knight – Expaladin from deck to hand.
  7. Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights ② effect, send Smoke Grenade of the Thief, “Infernoble Arms – Durendal”, “Infernoble Arms – Hauteclere”, Noble Arms – Arfeudutyr from deck to graveyard as cost, Special Summon Infernoble Knight Oliver from deck.
  8. Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble KnightsLinkross
  9. Linkross ① effect, Special Summon 2 “Link Tokens”.
  10. Infernoble Knight Oliver + “Link Token” → Infernoble Knight Captain Roland.
  11. Infernoble Knight Captain Roland ① effect.
  12. Infernoble Knight Captain Roland + LinkrossCrystron Halqifibrax.
  13. Crystron Halqifibrax ① effect, Special Summon Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion from deck.
  14. Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion + “Link Token” → Martial Metal Marcher.
  15. Chain 2: Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion ② effect, Special Summon “Mecha Phantom Beast Token”.
  16. Chain 1: Martial Metal Marcher ① effect, Special Summon Infernoble Knight Captain Roland from graveyard.

  1. Crystron Halqifibrax + “Mecha Phantom Beast Token” → Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon.
  2. Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon ① effect, Special Summon 3 “Mecha Phantom Beast Tokens”.
  3. Infernoble Knight Captain Roland + “Mecha Phantom Beast Token” → Borreload Savage Dragon.
  4. Borreload Savage Dragon ① effect, equip Crystron Halqifibrax and place 2 Borrel Counters on it.
  5. Martial Metal Marcher + “Mecha Phantom Beast Token” → Stardust Charge Warrior.
  6. Stardust Charge Warrior ① effect, draw 1 card.
  7. Stardust Charge Warrior + “Mecha Phantom Beast Token” → Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles.
  8. Infernoble Knight Oliver ② effect, equip it to Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles.
  9. Immortal Phoenix Gearfried ① effect, banish “Infernoble Arms – Durendal” from graveyard as cost, Special Summon itself.
  10. Infernoble Knight Ogier ② effect, equip it to Immortal Phoenix Gearfried.
  11. During the End Phase, Infernoble Knight Captain Roland ① effect, send “Infernoble Arms – Durendal” from deck to graveyard, then add Immortal Phoenix Gearfried from deck to hand.
  12. Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles ② effect, equip Smoke Grenade of the Thief from graveyard to it, equip Infernoble Knight Ogier from deck to it.
  13. Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles ① effect, destroy Smoke Grenade of the Thief.
  14. Smoke Grenade of the Thief effect, look at opponent’s hand, select 1 card and discard it.



Combo 1 is the core combo of Infernoble Knight. During the opponent’s Main Phase, Infernoble Knight Captain Roland ② effect can be activated to equip it to Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles. This will in turn trigger Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles ① effect to destroy 1 card on the field.

This 1-card combo creates 3 disruptions:

  • Borreload Savage Dragon negates 1 card or effect activation
  • Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles destroys 1 card
  • Smoke Grenade of the Thief discards 1 card


Combo 2 is an extension of Combo 1. Since Olivier is already in the opening hand, we could skip the “Infernoble Arms – Durendal” and go for Smoke Grenade of the Thief instead. This allows us to play Smoke Grenade of the Thief twice and discard 2 cards from the opponent’s hand.

This 2-card combo creates 4 disruptions:

  • Borreload Savage Dragon negates 1 card or effect activation
  • Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles destroys 1 card
  • 2 Smoke Grenade of the Thief discard 2 cards


Combo 3 is an alternative play that brings out Immortal Phoenix Gearfried in the opening setup. Immortal Phoenix Gearfried provides an additional monster effect negation.

This 2-card combo creates 4 disruptions:

  • Borreload Savage Dragon negates 1 card or effect activation
  • Immortal Phoenix Gearfried negates 1 monster effect
  • Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles destroys 1 card
  • Smoke Grenade of the Thief discards 1 card


In all 3 combos, Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles is also equipped with Infernoble Knight Ogier and Infernoble Knight Oliver making it untargatable and indestructible, similar to Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon. Having Smoke Grenade of the Thief to look at opponent’s hand and discard 1 card is useful for picking off Kaiju monsters to protect Charlemagne from being tributed away.

These combos also end with Immortal Phoenix Gearfried in hand, a strong follow up and finisher for the next turn.



Infernoble Knight has decent consistency, having 3 Heritage of the Chalice, 3 “Infernoble Arms – Durendal” and 1 Reinforcement of the Army to search for the combo component pieces. When Sublime Knight – Expaladin gets negated, the combo could still continue by Special Summoning Infernoble Knight – Renaud. However, the deck could brick when opening with too many Equip Spell cards.

Due to the lack of tournament data, it is quite difficult to evaluate whether Infernoble Knight could break into the metagame. The featured deck list is from a rather small store tournament, so its reference value is relatively low. This list is not optimal as well, the player has cited that he played only 2 Renaud because he could not obtain a third copy.

Infernoble Knight has the making of a top condender. A basic powerful 1-card combo allows the deck to play the full 3 Called by the Grave and 3 Crossout Designator against ‘hand traps’. Opening with Neo Space Connector for Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin into Combo 2 is potentially 3 discards. The most concerning issue is that the deck struggles when going second and is having difficulty against Dogmatika.

If you enjoyed these Combo articles, consider supporting Road of the King on Patreon. Cheers!



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17 Responses

  1. Vandar says:

    With a proper build, the deck could break into the metagame. Unfortunately, this build is kind of awful. Where are the Arthurian knights in the deck?

    • Le Unicorn Prince says:

      I don’t think it will break into the metagame, as Road of the King stated; going second, the deck struggles because of Invoked Dragma. Plus Maxx “C” and the plethora of handtraps which the OCG run stops this deck in it’s tracks.

    • Luna says:

      What is the point of playing them? They don’t offer anything this variant needs on top of being
      more restrictive for what they do.

      I doubt this would break into the competitive scene. It struggles going second unless you open really well. Ghost Ogre is a turn-ender.

    • Crowley says:

      the OG noble knights ARE the awful cards lol, you should do some testing with the infernoble knights first before reaching such a conclusion

  2. Eltanin says:

    I’m a little confused about the second combo. In it, you dump Smoke Grenade from deck to GY using Roland but isn’t it already in GY when the effect of Roland is activated during the end phase? (Assuming you’re only playing one copy which is implied by the end board picture)

    • Akira says:

      Oops, that’s a mistake. You can send any other Equip Spell card for Roland’s effect. Fixed the combo. Thanks!

  3. Luna says:

    Stardust charge warrior isn’t a tuner, how are you summoning charles with it? Was it supposed to be coral dragon?

    • Akira says:

      A Synchro Monster that used “Martial Metal Marcher” as Synchro Material is treated as a Tuner while face-up on the field, so “Stardust Charge Warrior” becomes a Tuner.

  4. Luna says:

    Is there a particular reason you’d use charge warrior over coral dragon? They both seem like good picks but coral dragon seems like it has more utility

    • Akira says:

      The difference is very minor, but “Stardust Charge Warrior” leads to a better setup if you are stuck with a poor opening hand that could only make “Crystron Halqifibrax”.

      1. Shade Brigandine + Ash Blossom → Halqifibrax
      2. Halqifibrax eff, sp O-Lion
      3. Halqifibrax → Linkross
      4. Linkross eff, sp 2 Link Tokens
      5. O-Lion + Link Token → Metal Marcher
      6. Chain 2: O-Lion eff, sp MPB Token
      7. Chain 1: Metal Marcher eff, sp O-Lion
      8. O-Lion + MPB Token → Roland
      9. Roland eff
      10. Roland + Link Token → Charge Warrior
      11. Charge Warrior eff, draw 1 card
      12. Metal Marcher + Charge Warrior → Charles
      13. End Phase, Roland eff, send Smoke Grenade add 1 Warrior
      14. Charles eff, equip Smoke Grenade, equip Olivier/Ogier
      15. Charles eff, destroy Smoke Grenade
      16. Smoke Grenade eff, look and discard 1 card

      It is a very niche situation, but “Stardust Charge Warrior” being a non-Tuner is an advantage here.

  5. jokez says:

    This deck for sure TCG meta worthy due to NO MAXX C

  6. Kaiju says:

    TCG not release yet.

  7. Tawft says:

    I’m afraid combo 1 doesn’t work as using Durendal’s effect locks you into Warrior type monsters, so you can’t summon Linkross, Halqifibrax or Auroradon :/

    • Akira says:

      You can only use 1 “Infernoble Arms – Durendal” effect per turn, and only once that turn.
      ①: While this card is equipped to a monster: You can add 1 Level 5 or lower FIRE Warrior monster from your Deck to your hand, then destroy this card.
      ②: If this card is sent to the GY because the equipped monster was sent to the GY: You can target 1 Level 5 or lower FIRE Warrior monster in your GY; Special Summon it, also you cannot Special Summon monsters for the rest of this turn, except Warrior monsters.

      You are only locked into Warrior if you used the ② effect. The combo uses the ① effect.

  8. arya1380 says:

    where’s the tatsunoko’s combo?

  9. pepega says:

    (step22-combo2)”Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon ② effect, tribute itself to destroy Smoke Grenade of the Thief” .this cant be done bcuz when you tribute auro,smoke grenade leaves the field asap

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