Dark Magician Tournament Xiamen

Dark Magician Tournament Xiamen was held on 7 November 2020 in Xiamen, China Mainland and had 244 participants.


  • 7 rounds of Swiss
  • Top 24 wins a Prismatic Secret Rare Dark Magician


1st 黑天使 Zoodiac
2nd 理科 Virtual World
3rd 冰之雨 Danger Tempest Magician FTK
4th 银魂 Prank-Kids
5th Andy Zoodiac
6th 猴子 Dogmatika Eldlich
7th Spirit Destiny HERO Orcust
8th Sa Dogmatika Invoked Shaddoll
9th 小璇 Orcust


1st, 黑天使 [Zoodiac]

Source: 游戏王OCG映核社, 成都宵星卡牌工作室


2nd, 理科 [Virtual World]

Source: 成都宵星卡牌工作室


3rd, 冰之雨 [Danger Tempest Magician FTK]

Source: 上位卡组吧, 成都宵星卡牌工作室


4th, 银魂 [Prank-Kids]

Source: 成都宵星卡牌工作室


6th, 猴子 [Dogmatika Eldlich]

Source: 成都宵星卡牌工作室


7th, Spirit [Destiny HERO Orcust]

Source: 成都宵星卡牌工作室


8th, Sa [Dogmatika Invoked Shaddoll]

Source: 是Sa阿, 龙道游戏王



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4 Responses

  1. Powercreep says:

    Zoo best Deck lets gooooooooooo

  2. Saqib Saleem says:

    Where is that Destiny HERO Orcust ??

  3. Dudu says:

    Was the Prank-Kids player really playing Nobleman of Crossout or is that a mistake?

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