Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2005

Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2005 was held on 6 – 7 August 2005 in Ariake, Japan.

World Championship 2005

1st Miltiadis Markou Greece Nephthys Metamorphosis Chaos
2nd Jorge Fabian Pina Lizarraga Mexico Deck Destruction
3rd David Kretschmer Germany Machine Chaos
4th Li Guan Sian (李冠賢) Taiwan Warrior Chaos
5 – 8th Watanabe Kenji (渡辺賢治) Japan Metamorphosis Chaos
Gonzalo Ercole Chile
Attila Zsili Hungary
Norihama Takeru (乗浜健) Japan Metamorphosis Chaos
9 – 16th Dexter Dalit Canada Metamorphosis Chaos
Michael Brix Austria
Miguel Garcia United States
Guy Israel Belgium
Cindie Jean Uddstrom New Zealand Burn
Soh Jun Yuan Singapore Metamorphosis Chaos
Pierre Pradelles France
Teodoro Lai Dominican Republic
17 – 40th Raul Toro Chile
Tanaka Kyosuke (田中恭介) Japan
Adam Kruszynski United States
Low Mun Wai Malaysia
Max Suffridge United States
Park Soo-Hyun Korea
Michael Poulsen Denmark
Namer Merli Italy
Guan Her Ng Netherlands
Marko Thuma Slovenia
Christopher Westholm Sweden
Joso Zrilic Croatia
Stewart Brine Australia
Luis da Silva Switzerland
Hongo Shotaro (本郷翔太郎) Japan
James Kinsella Ireland
Shum King Hang Hong Kong
Jose Lopes Portugal
Eric Daniel Jugo Argentina
Stephan Holtermann Brazil
Melvin Sta. Maria Philippines
Pawel Marcinkowski Poland
Valter Liblik Estonia
Ido Marcus Israel

World Championship 2005 Final Match
Jorge Fabian Pina Lizarraga (Mexico) vs Miltiadis Markou (Greece)
Photo from: 遊戯王 アルティマニア (Wayback Machine)

World Championship 2005 Finalist and Champion
From left to right: Jorge Fabian Pina Lizarraga (Mexico), Miltiadis Markou (Greece), Takahashi Kazuki
Photo from: 遊戯王 アルティマニア (Wayback Machine)


1st, Miltiadis Markou (Greece) [Nephthys Metamorphosis Chaos]

Source: Master Guide 2, 遊戯王 アルティマニア (Wayback Machine)


2nd, Jorge Fabian Pina Lizarraga (Mexico) [Deck Destruction]

Source: Master Guide 2


3rd, David Kretschmer (Germany) [Machine Chaos]

Source: Spieleforum.de


4th, Li Guan Sian (Taiwan) [Warrior Chaos]

Source: 遊戯王 アルティマニア (Wayback Machine)


9 – 16th, Dexter Dalit (Canada) [Metamorphosis Chaos]

Source: Pojo.com

*The deck list did not have the Fusion Deck recorded down. In addition to Thousand-Eyes Restrict, it is likely that he was also running other Fusion Monsters such as Dark Balter the Terrible, Ryu Senshi, etc.


9 – 16th, Cindie Jean Uddstrom (New Zealand) [Burn]

Source: Metagame.com


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9 Responses

  1. TheMadWasp says:

    Wait, Ido Marcus has been at the World Championship multiple times?

  2. xiong_online says:

    1st Main Deck 41,missing Blade Knight[39507162]

  3. clody says:

    unfortunately i cant find the source but i remember to have read the tournament report by lizarraga himself in a mexican forum, i remember he wrote that the side deck of the world championship was the same he had in his qualification tournament https://www.formatlibrary.com/apr-2005—goat/empty-jar-jorge-fabian-pina-lizarraga-2nd-place-yu-gi-oh-world-championship-august-2005 (this is the list from his qualification for worlds)

  4. Abe Jenkins says:

    Lizarraga’s is such a fun deck to play with.

  5. Huge Divinity Soldier says:

    Cindie Uddstrom (New Zealand) incorrectly labelled as Canadian

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