Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2003

Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2003 was held on 10 August 2003 in New York, United States.

Deck lists are from the official World Championship 2003 website which had a few missing cards in some of the lists.

World Championship 2003

1st Ng Yu Leung (吳雨良) Hong Kong Hand Destruction
2nd Kitamura Shigeki (北村重樹) Japan Hand Destruction
3rd Mike Rosenberg United States Hand Destruction
4th Huai Tao Sun United States Hand Destruction
5 – 18th Rick Anderson United States Hand Destruction
Michael Sewell United States
Adam McNeely Canada Hand Destruction
Yamagata Keisuke (山形啓輔) Japan
Tsuda Kyosuke Japan
Hu En Tian (胡恩典) Taiwan
Lim Choon Kiat (林俊杰) Singapore Hand Destruction
Nico Sikorsky Germany
Didier Maille France Hand Destruction
Michael Rybak United Kingdom Beatdown
Luca Casadei Italy Beatdown
Annout Van Messem Netherlands Beatdown

World Championship 2003 Competitors
Photo from: 遊戯王 アルティマニア (Wayback Machine)

2003 World Champion
Ng Yu Leung (Hong Kong)
Photo from: Pojo.com


1st, Ng Yu Leung (Hong Kong) [Hand Destruction]

Source: World Championship 2003 (Wayback Machine)


2nd, Kitamura Shigeki (Japan) [Hand Destruction]

Source: World Championship 2003 (Wayback Machine)


3rd, Mike Rosenberg (United States) [Hand Destruction]

Source: World Championship 2003 (Wayback Machine)


5 – 18th, Rick Anderson (United States) [Hand Destruction]

Source: World Championship 2003 (Wayback Machine)


5 – 18th, Adam McNeely (Canada) [Hand Destruction]

Source: World Championship 2003 (Wayback Machine)


5 – 18th, Didier Maille (France) [Hand Destruction]

Source: World Championship 2003 (Wayback Machine)


5 – 18th, Michael Rybak (United Kingdom) [Beatdown]

Source: World Championship 2003 (Wayback Machine)


5 – 18th, Luca Casadei (Italy) [Beatdown]

Source: World Championship 2003 (Wayback Machine)


5 – 18th, Annout Van Messem (Netherlands) [Beatdown]

Source: World Championship 2003 (Wayback Machine)



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4 Responses

  1. TheMadWasp says:

    Love the retro content, keep it up!

  2. Dude says:

    Just curious but why are some decks at 38-39 cards?
    Love these articles btw

    • Akira says:

      The official World Championship 2003 website had missing cards in the lists they posted, probably transcription error on their part.

  3. Abe Jenkins says:

    I stan the dude with the 3 Mechanical Chasers lmao

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