Yu-Gi-Oh! South Korea WCQ 2018

The Yu-Gi-Oh! South Korea World Championship Qualifier 2018 was held in Seoul, South Korea during 1 July 2018.

1st Jung Seung-Chul Sky Striker
2nd Lee Hwee-Seung Sky Striker
3rd Sim Tom Altergeist
4th Park Seong-Dae SPYRAL


1st, Jeong Seung-Cheol [Sky Striker]

Source: Naver Cafe YugiKorea, full_moon03


2nd, Lee Hwee-Seung [Sky Striker]

Source: Naver Cafe YugiKorea


3rd, Sim Tom [Altergeist]

Source: @simtom052444


4th, Park Seong-Dae [SPYRAL]

Source: @dakcho_YP



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3 Responses

  1. Ryan Orwig says:

    What was the spell card to the left of One for One from the SPYRAL deck?

  2. choi jun hyeong says:


    korea wcq final 1st winner Jeong Seung-Cheol deck list

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