Yu-Gi-Oh! China Mainland WCQ 2024 Shenyang

Yu-Gi-Oh! China Mainland World Championship Qualifier 2024 Shenyang Regional Qualifier was held on 15 June 2024 and had 240 participants.


  • 7 rounds of Swiss, Top 16 Single-Elimination
  • Top 2 players are invited to the China Mainland World Championship Qualifier 2024
1 – 2nd 围巾喷水盖欧卡 Fiendsmith Yubel
只有流星划过 Fiendsmith Yubel
3 – 4th 唐可可desu丶 Fiendsmith Yubel [3]
5 – 8th Runick [5]
东宝韩援权子 Horus Fiendsmith Tearlaments [6]
白亮aa Salamangreat [7]
涅辛喵 Toy White Forest [8]
9 – 16th 快乐小魔救@…
Centur-Ion [10]
孤高的R Raidraptor [11]
白白胖胖小柚子 Supreme King Z-ARC [15]
瑞玛@菠萝墊 Memento

China Mainland WCQ 2024 Shenyang Top 2

1 – 2nd, 围巾喷水盖欧卡 [Fiendsmith Yubel]

Source: 游戏王卡片游戏

1 – 2nd, 只有流星划过 [Fiendsmith Yubel]

Source: 游戏王卡片游戏

3 – 4th, 唐可可desu丶 [Fiendsmith Yubel]

Source: 唐可可desu丶

5 – 8th, [Runick]

Source: 上位卡组吧

5 – 8th, 东宝韩援权子 [Horus Fiendsmith Tearlaments]

Source: 决斗都市DuelCity

5 – 8th, 白亮aa [Salamangreat]

Source: 白亮aa

5 – 8th, 涅辛喵 [Toy White Forest]

Source: 涅辛


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