Yu-Gi-Oh! Asia WCQ 2024 Taiwan

Yu-Gi-Oh! Asia World Championship Qualifier 2024 Taiwan was held on 1 June 2024 and had 64 participants. This is an invite-only tournament consisting of top players from the Asia WCQ 2024 Taiwan Central, Northern and Southern Qualifiers, Shop Qualifiers and Spring Duel Festival 2024.


  • 6 rounds of Swiss, Top 8 Single-Elimination
  • Champion is invited to the Asia World Championship Qualifier 2024
1st Bai Hao Yu (白皓宇) Tenpai Dragon
2nd Chen Yu Fu (陳郁夫) Voiceless Voice
3 – 4th Chen Po Han (陳柏翰) Mathmech
Hsu Hsi Yin (徐錫胤) Fiendsmith Snake-Eye
5 – 8th Ma Guang Yu (馬光瑜) Tenpai Dragon
Wang Chia Ching (汪家慶)
Hsu Pei En (徐培恩)
Chou Cheng Yen (周成諺)

Asia WCQ 2024 Taiwan Top 4

1st, Bai Hao Yu [Tenpai Dragon]

Source: 白皓宇

5 – 8th, Ma Guang Yu [Tenpai Dragon]

Source: Ma Guang Yu


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2 Responses

  1. Yuh says:

    Can i see mathmech deck ?

  2. clayton says:

    want see the Voiceless Voice deck list

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