Swords of Concealing Light Ruling Reversal

Swords of Concealing Light was reprinted in Structure Deck R -Pulse of the Dinobeast- and it received a card text update.

The Official Card Database has also received a ruling update.


Card Text

Old Card Text:


When this card is activated, change all monsters on the opponent’s field to face-down Defense Position.
Also, while this card remains on the field, monsters on the opponent’s field cannot change their Battle Positions.
This card is destroyed during your 2nd Standby Phase after activation.


New Card Text:


After this card is activated, destroy it during your 2nd Standby Phase.
(1): As the effect resolves when this card is activated, if there are face-up monsters on your opponent’s field, change all of those monsters to face-down Defense Position.
(2): While this card remains in your Spell & Trap Card Zone, monsters on the opponent’s field cannot change their Battle Positions.


Official OCG Ruling

Will the monster special summoned by the effect of “Call of the Haunted” that was chained to the activation of “Swords of Concealing Light” be in face-down Defense Position?

The opponent has a face-up “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” in his/her Monster Zone.

In this scenario, I activate “Swords of Concealing Light”.
If the opponent chains and activates “Call of the Haunted” in response to that activation, and special summons “Dragon Spirit of White” from the graveyard, which monsters will be in face-down Defense Position?


The monsters that will be changed to face-down Defense Position by the effect “(1): As the effect resolves when this card is activated, if there are face-up monsters on your opponent’s field, all of those monsters becomes face-down Defense Position” of “Swords of Concealing Light”, are those monsters that were face-up in the opponent’s Monster Zone when the effect is being applied during the effect resolution of “Swords of Concealing Light”‘s card activation.

Therefore, in the scenario of the question, both “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” and “Dragon Spirit of White” will be in face-down Defense Position.




After exactly 6 months, the ruling of Swords of Concealing Light has been reversed to how it was played before the World Championship 2016.

All of the opponent’s monsters will become face-down Defense Position during the resolution of Swords of Concealing Light, regardless of whether the monster was there during the activation.

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3 Responses

  1. Joaquin says:

    Are you fuckong serious?

  2. Frenzyhero says:

    Good, this is how it should be. Only way it makes sense.

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