OCG 2024.07 Metagame Report #8, #9

Welcome to Week #8, #9 of the OCG 2024.07 format.

This report tabulates 118 top-performing decks from 28 tournaments that were held in Japan, China Mainland and South Korea during 24 August – 6 September 2024.

New Product Release

  • V Jump October 2024 promotional card: Zereort Migrator
  • Deck Build Pack: Crossover Breakers

Metagame Breakdown

  • 23 Ryzeal
  • 23 Snake-Eye (16 Fiendsmith Azamina Snake-Eye, 7 Fiendsmith Snake-Eye)
  • 12 Tenpai Dragon (11 Tenpai Dragon, 1 Sky Striker Tenpai Dragon)
  • 9 Fiendsmith Yubel
  • 9 Maliss (8 Maliss, 1 Fiendsmith Maliss)
  • 4 Centur-Ion (3 Centur-Ion, 1 Fiendsmith Azamina Centur-Ion)
  • 4 Fiendsmith Magical Musket
  • 4 Labrynth
  • 4 Voiceless Voice (2 Ryu-Ge Voiceless Voice, 1 Voiceless Voice, 1 Azamina Voiceless Voice)
  • 2 Fiendsmith Chimera
  • 2 Gimmick Puppet (1 Gimmick Puppet, 1 Horus Gimmick Puppet)
  • 2 Salamangreat
  • 2 Shark
  • 1 Azamina Sinful Spoils Snake-Eye Fire King
  • 1 Drytron
  • 1 Fiendsmith Azamina Sinful Spoils Rescue-ACE
  • 1 Fiendsmith Evil★Twin
  • 1 Fiendsmith Memento
  • 1 Fiendsmith Vaalmonica
  • 1 Grass Goblin Biker Phantom Knights
  • 1 Grass Tearlaments Shaddoll Branded
  • 1 Kashtira Fiendsmith Allure Queen
  • 1 Kashtira Scareclaw
  • 1 Millennium Exodia
  • 1 Purrely
  • 1 Ritual Beast
  • 1 Runick
  • 1 Six Samurai
  • 1 Sky Striker
  • 1 Tri-Brigade Lyrilusc
  • 1 Vanquish Soul


Ryzeal is a new theme from Deck Build Pack: Crossover Breakers that is based around Rank 4 Xyz Monsters. Ryzeal Effect Monsters comes with an effect to Special Summon themselves from hand, and another effect to search or Special Summon another Ryzeal monster, allowing them to quickly amass Level 4 monsters to make Rank 4 Xyz Monsters.

The main power of Ryzeal comes from Ryzeal Detonator. When the opponent activates a card or effect, the ② effect can be activated in a Chain to target and destroy 1 card on the field. This effect can be activated multiple times in the same Chain. The Field Spell Ryzeal Cross is also able to negate a monster effect.

Ryzeal Duo Drive ③ effect is used to add Ryzeal Cross and Ryzeal Plugin from deck to hand, and is a vulnerable point that the opponent could disrupt using ‘hand traps’. Traptrix Rafflesia is played to protect Ryzeal Duo Drive against the opponent’s hand trap. Against Effect Veiler, Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit or Nibiru, the Primal Being, Traptrix Rafflesia ③ effect could send Gravedigger’s Trap Hole from deck to graveyard to negate them. Against Infinite Impermanence, Traptrix Rafflesia ③ effect could send Ryzeal Plasma Hole to play around it.

Chain 1: You activate Ryzeal Duo Drive ③ effect.
Chain 2: Opponent activates Infinite Impermanence targeting Ryzeal Duo Drive.
Chain 3: You activate Traptrix Rafflesia ③ effect, detach 1 Xyz Material, send Ryzeal Plasma Hole from deck to graveyard, targeting Infinite Impermanence.
Chain 4: You activate Ryzeal Plasma Hole ② effect, banishing it from the graveyard as cost.

Resolving the Chain, Ryzeal Plasma Hole ② effect would allow you to perform an Xyz Summon immediately, Full Armored Utopic Ray Lancer is Xyz Summoned by discarding 1 Spell/Trap and using Ryzeal Duo Drive as Xyz Material. Ryzeal Plasma Hole ① effect would destroy Infinite Impermanence then you can attach 1 “Ryzeal” card from graveyard to 1 Rank 4 Xyz Monster you control as material. Infinite Impermanence would resolve with no effect applied as its target Ryzeal Duo Drive is no longer on the field. Finally, Ryzeal Duo Drive ③ effect would resolve by detaching 2 Xyz Materials from Full Armored Utopic Ray Lancer to add 2 “Ryzeal” cards with different names from deck to your hand.

Ryzeal is vulnerable to Spell/Trap board breakers, so they would side in Anti-Spell Fragrance and Solemn Judgment to stop the opponent from playing Spells or to negate the opponent’s Spell/Trap board breaker.

buster went 5-1-1 and finished 1st in “HSCS 3v3 Team Tournament” which had 20 teams (60 participants).


Book of Eclipse is one of the board breakers that is being sided against Ryzeal. Book of Eclipse changes all monsters to face-down Defense Position, effectively disabling Ryzeal Detonator and Ryzeal Cross. Being a Quick-Play Spell is also an advantage as it could be chained to Anti-Spell Fragrance.

Dimensional Barrier declaring Xyz Monster is effective against Ryzeal as the Ryzeal Effect Monsters lock them into Special Summoning Rank 4 Xyz Monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of the turn.

Jukusei (塾生) went 5-2 and finished 1st in “41st Hagetaka CS” which had 16 teams (48 participants).

Tenpai Dragon

Tenpai Dragon has a poor matchup against Ryzeal as Ryzeal Detonator effect could destroy a Tenpai Dragon monster whenever a card or effect is activated, making it difficult for Tenpai Dragon to amass enough monsters to Synchro Summon. The Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Card Database (Is the activation of a Continuous Spell, Continuous Trap, Field Spell Card considered as activating a card effect?) has also stated that the activation of a Spell/Trap Card is considered the “activation of a card effect” even if the Continuous Spell, Continuous Trap or Field Spell Card does not apply any effect when it is activated. That is to say that Ryzeal Detonator ② effect could be chained to the activation of Sangen Summoning to destroy it, and there would be no protection for your FIRE Dragon Monsters.

Mulcharmy Purulia is good against Ryzeal as Ryzeal Effect Monsters Special Summon themselves from hand. Sakitama is a commonly played extender for Ryzeal decks and its Normal Summon would also play into Mulcharmy Purulia.

Ultimate Slayer is a good board breaker against Ryzeal. Ultimate Slayer could send Mereologic Aggregator from Extra Deck to graveyard to return the opponent’s Ryzeal Detonator to deck. Mereologic Aggregator ③ effect could then be used to negate 1 face-up card on the field, such as Ryzeal Cross.

Han Ji-soo (한지수) finished 2nd in “1923CS × GXG × WCG Individual Tournament” which had 32 participants.


Maliss is a new theme from Deck Build Pack: Crossover Breakers that is based around Cyberse Link Monsters.

Maliss plays like a typical Cyberse Link decks, it quickly Link climb through the various Cyberse Link Monsters to end on Firewall Dragon Darkfluid – Neo Tempest Terahertz. Then activating Maliss <C> GWC-06 during the opponent’s turn to Special Summon Maliss <Q> White Binder from the graveyard, and Maliss <Q> White Binder ① effect would be activated to banish Maliss <Q> Hearts Crypter, Maliss <Q> Red Ransom and Maliss <P> White Rabbit from the graveyard. Maliss <Q> Hearts Crypter, Maliss <Q> Red Ransom and Maliss <P> White Rabbit would then Special Summon themselves from banished with their own effects. Maliss <P> White Rabbit ① effect would Set Maliss <C> MTP-07 from deck to Spell/Trap Zone.

Firewall Dragon Darkfluid – Neo Tempest Terahertz provides two disruptions in the form of Cyberse Desavewurm and Mereologic Aggregator, while Maliss <Q> Hearts Crypter and Maliss <C> MTP-07 would be able to banish 1 card on the field.

Since Maliss Monsters could Special Summon themselves when banished, this allows them to play under Dimension Shifter to a certain extent.

Kuromaru (クロマル) finished 1st in “1st Tulio CS North-Kanto in Mito (2v2 Team Tournament)” which had 20 teams (40 participants).


Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit could be used against Deception of the Sinful Spoils ① effect, and also Ryzeal Duo Drive ③ effect. Similar to Gigantic Spright, Ryzeal Duo Drive ③ effect only detaches the Xyz Material during resolution, so if it is destroyed and there are no other Xyz Monsters on the field that has Xyz Materials to detach, then its ③ effect would resolve with no effect applied.

Heavy Slump in the Side Deck is a option to fetch out with Triple Tactics Thrust. This allows Yubel to play into Maxx “C” and Mulcharmy Fuwalos, making the opponent draw until they have 8 or more cards in their hand. Heavy Slump could then be activate on the opponent’s Draw Phase, making the opponent shuffle their entire hand into the Deck, then draw 2 cards.

Heiheihei (嘿嘿嘿) finished 2nd in “TeamSword Cards Ranking Tournament” which had 32 participants.


Deck Build Pack: Crossover Breakers has an immediate impact on the metagame, introducing Ryzeal and Maliss that are able to put out respectable results.

Ryzeal in particular has become a top contender tied with Snake-Eye, calling for players to tech against them. We are in the early Metagame Layers for Ryzeal and would have to see how the metagame would eventually settle on which tech cards to play against them.

Ryzeal have multiple extenders and are more resilient against ‘hand traps’, thus using board breakers is better against them. Whereas Snake-Eye is more resilient against board breakers, thus disrupting their combo with ‘hand traps’ is better. The approach to deck building in the current format might seek for a balance between ‘hand traps’ and board breaker.

If you enjoyed these Weekly Metagame Reports, consider supporting Road of the King on Patreon. Cheers!


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23 Responses

  1. DirtCHEAP83 says:

    Interesting. Ryzeal doing their own thing without an outside engine because it has its own strong engine built-in. That’s kind of breath of fresh air.

  2. D says:

    Can I get the Vaalmonica deck list link?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Results aside, ISTG, if MVLICE is coming to us as Maliss, I’m going to kms.

  4. Anonymous123 says:

    Results aside, ISTG, if MVLICE is coming to us as Maliss, I’m going to UNVLIVE myself

  5. Anon1 says:

    Can I get the decklist for the Kashtira Allure Queen ? Sounds interesting

  6. Pasi says:

    the ryzeal scenario with rafflesia and duodrive wouldnt work if the opponent just use impermanence on the summon of duodrive instead of waiting for the opponent to use its effect?

    • Akira says:

      Yes. The knowledge of that line being available means the correct play is using “Infinite Impermanence” on “Ryzeal Duodrive”‘s summon.

    • Hole Thruster says:

      how does it dodge imperm? Ryzeal Hole Thruster Targets face-up cards your opponent controls not your own.

  7. jeff says:

    anyone have either of the shark lists?

  8. nick says:

    where can i find the six sam decklist?

  9. AJ says:

    Does anyone have two different Centur-Ion lists?

  10. Susanoo says:

    Could someone kindly explain why yubel fiendsmith fall off the meta in ocg? I am a tcg player so I wonder what made it fall of so badly ?

    • Anon says:

      They have this little card called Maxx C. Also, it just matches up poorly into a lot of the meta. It loses to the same stuff as Snake Eyes but is more brickey, Snake Eyes is just better because of the Azamina cards so there isn’t a ton of reason to play it over Snake Eyes, and they struggle to play through specific handtraps more than Snake Eyes, like Droll for example hurts it more than SE unless you specifically droll on something like… idk, bonfire search Ash

      It’s still good, 5th best in the format is nothing to shake a stick at, but there isn’t a huge reason to play it over Snake Eyes.

  11. Alex says:

    Where can i find the Drytron list?

  12. silver says:

    Can someone send here tge link for the purrely deck

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