OCG 2019.10 Metagame Report #4, #5

Welcome to Week #4, #5 of the OCG 2019.10 format.

This report will tabulate 66 top-performing decks from 10 tournaments that were held in Japan during 26 October – 5 November 2019.


Metagame Breakdown

  • 11 Salamangreat
  • 8 Orcust
  • 7 Altergeist
  • 5 Mythical Beast Endymion
  • 4 Danger Dark World
  • 4 Trickstar
  • 3 Magician
  • 3 Sky Striker
  • 3 Subterror
  • 3 Thunder Dragon
    • 2 mono Thunder Dragon
    • 1 Invoked Thunder Dragon
  • 2 Grass Infernoid
  • 2 Zefra
  • 1 Ancient Warriors
  • 1 Cyber Dragon
  • 1 Dragon Link
  • 1 Gizmek Kaiju Luna
  • 1 Grass Danger Orcust Lunalight
  • 1 HERO
  • 1 Invoked
  • 1 Magical Musket
  • 1 Mekk-Knight Treasure Panda
  • 1 Rokket
  • 1 Unchained



Ganmo (がんも) finished 1st in “66th Adachi CS” (3v3 Team) which had 64 teams (192 participants).

He ran 2 Nibiru, the Primal Being in the Main Deck, along with 2 Crossout Designator in the Main Deck and a third Crossout in the Side Deck. Being hit by a Nibiru, the Primal Being is often unrecoverable for Salamangreat, hence he went with the above configuration to maximize his chances of stopping Nibiru.

A few players are also starting to run Borrelsword Dragon in the Extra Deck to go for game when the opportunity arise, avoiding the risk of grinding out the long game.



Sig (シグ) went 7-2 and finished 2nd in “Hatti CS × Surugaya Cup in Surugaya Takatsuki Trading Card House” which had 59 participants.

He ran 2 Crackdown in the Main Deck, and that goes quite well with I:P Masquerena. After taking control of the opponent’s monster with Crackdown, that monster would be used as Link Material with I:P Masquerena effect. This prevents the opponent from being able to destroy Crackdown with Knightmare Phoenix and take back control of their monster.

After get hit by Nibiru, the Primal Being, by summoning another monster and with the “Primal Being Token”, they can be used to Link Summon I:P Masquerena. During the opponent’s turn with Crackdown, I:P Masquerena could still at least muuster a Knightmare Unicorn to disrupt the opponent.



GenGen went 6-0 (excluding 2 byes) and finished 1st in “2nd Sako CS” (3v3 Team) which had 33 teams (99 participants).

He ran 2 Nibiru, the Primal Being in the Main Deck, anticipating Salamangreat and Thunder Dragon.

In a long drawn out match, Altergeist is more likely to win as it takes control over the late game. Thus Salamangreat and Thunder Dragon would try to find a good timing to go for an explosive turn and end the game fast before Altergeist could stabilize and take over the game. Nibiru threatens Salamangreat and Thunder Dragon to play a slower tempo game to Altergeist’s advantage.

Combo decks are also one of Altergeist’s weaker matchups, so running Nibiru directly in the Main Deck is a reasonable choice.



We are in the mid of the OCG 2019.10 format and the metagame remains diverse.

Orcust is the most consistent so far, frequently hovering around the top while the other decks fluctuates around.

Thunder Dragon has fallen quite considerably, possibly from having a difficult matchup against Orcust.

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1 Response

  1. Grio says:

    Can you send one of the trickstars build?

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