Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Qualifier 2017

The Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2017 will be held in Tokyo, Japan during 12 – 13 August 2017.

Here are the duelists who have earned their invitations and will be representing their region in the World Championship 2017.

World Championship 2017 Participants

World Championship 2016 Japan Hiyama Shunsuke
West Japan WCQ 2017 Japan Takeda Naoki “ガリス” True Draco Zoodiac
Japan Kasada Takayoshi “えくたん” Trickstar
East Japan WCQ 2017 Japan Tsujimura Ryosuke “ひつじ” True Draco Zoodiac
Japan Momiji Daiki “モミジ” True King Dinosaur
South Korea WCQ 2017 South Korea Kim Tae-Hoon Magician
Asia Championship 2017 Malaysia Ho Yun Kang True Draco Zoodiac
Singapore Milton Chua Shen Fei True Draco Zoodiac
Oceanic Championship 2017 Australia Ryan Slot Zoodiac
Australia Taden Williams Zoodiac
North America
North American WCQ 2017 Canada Richard Yam Tiam Xiang Zoodiac
United States Kenny Huy Nguyen Zoodiac
United States Roland Fang Zoodiac
United States Aaron Chase Furman True Draco Zoodiac
World Qualifying Points 2017 United States Esala Sammidha de Alvis Wathathantrige
United States Billy Presley Brake
Canada Jesse Dean Kotton
Latin America
Central American WCQ 2017 Mexico Pedro Benhumea Salto Zoodiac
South American WCQ 2017 Brazil Rafael Jose Rodrigues de Souza Zoodiac
World Qualifying Points 2017 Mexico Alejandro Garcia Moreno
European Championship 2017 Italy Marcello Barberi Zoodiac
Italy Michael Forner Zoodiac
World Qualifying Points 2017 France Maxime Abrimont
Germany Joshua Schmidt
Italy Daniele Stella
United Kingdom JY Sharif

1. The North American WCQ 2017 Champion, United States Chester Hawk Henson, is unable to attend the World Championship 2017. His invite has been passed down to United States Aaron Chase Furman.



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5 Responses

  1. Ironic, almost everyone get to go to Worlds by using Zoodiacs, but Zoodiacs will be unplayable for Worlds.

  2. Lattekor says:

    World Championship Qualifier 2017 Korea winner deck list link


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