Yu-Gi-Oh! China Mainland WCQ 2024 Guangzhou

Yu-Gi-Oh! China Mainland World Championship Qualifier 2024 Guangzhou Regional Qualifier was held on 25 May 2024 and had 480 participants.


  • 8 rounds of Swiss, Top 16 Single-Elimination
  • Top 4 players are invited to the China Mainland World Championship Qualifier 2024
1 – 4th 战争古树 Centur-Ion [1]
遥か@KYLK Centur-Ion Dragon Link [2]
敢杀我的马? Tenpai Dragon
肥斌 Tenpai Dragon
5 – 8th 天来无所畏惧 Fiendsmith Snake-Eye
龙拳高手 Tenpai Dragon [6]
小懒君 Ritual Beast [7]
红茶 Tenpai Dragon
9 – 16th 台北冠军牛肉面 Fiendsmith Snake-Eye
需要一抹奇幻色彩 Fiendsmith Snake-Eye
橙鬼酱啊啊啊 Runick [11]
干炒牛河 Fiendsmith Chimera [12]
系咪可以死笑 Tenpai Dragon
重楼 Tenpai Dragon
CR Fiendsmith Yubel
素质梁龙 Grass Branded [16]

China Mainland WCQ 2024 Guangzhou Top 4

1 – 4th, 战争古树 [Centur-Ion]

Source: 游戏王卡片游戏, 无双小白兔

1 – 4th, 遥か@KYLK [Centur-Ion Dragon Link]

Source: 游戏王卡片游戏, 千早はるか

1 – 4th, 敢杀我的马? [Tenpai Dragon]

Source: 游戏王卡片游戏

1 – 4th, 肥斌 [Tenpai Dragon]

Source: 游戏王卡片游戏

5 – 8th, 龙拳高手 [Tenpai Dragon]

Source: 丶疯花

5 – 8th, 小懒君 [Ritual Beast]

Source: 生命在于小懒君


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1 Response

  1. Me1387 says:

    Centurion YES! Keep cooking china

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