Yu-Gi-Oh! Asia Championship 2017 Central Taiwan Summer Pre-Qualifier

Yu-Gi-Oh! Asia Championship 2017 Central Taiwan Summer Preliminary Qualifier (Japanese format) held on 27 May 2017 at Taichung had 100 participants.

The Top 3 players of this tournament will be seeded in the Asia Championship 2017 Taiwan Summer Qualifier that will be held at Kaohsiung on 17 June 2017.

1 – 3rd Lai Yen-Chun (賴彥均) True Draco Zoodiac
Liu Hsiao-Wei (劉孝威) True Draco Zoodiac
Tu Kai-Hsiang (涂凱翔) True Draco Zoodiac
4 – 6th Wang Jingxiang (王靖翔) True Draco
Wu Kai Fong (吳剴峰) True Draco Zoodiac
Wang Kai-Wen (王楷文) True Draco
7 – 12th Ko Juin-Yu (柯俊宇) Windwitch Trickstar
Chyan Hung (錢宏) True Draco Zoodiac
He Chun-Feng (何駿烽) Greener Lightsworn Gandora
Huang Nung-En (黃農恩) Dinosaur Yang Zing
Kuo Paihung (郭柏宏) True Draco Zoodiac
Hsu Fang-Wei (徐芳緯) Windwitch Trickstar


1 – 3rd, Lai Yen-Chun [True Draco Zoodiac]

Source: 遊戲王官方社團

*Side Deck was not revealed.


1 – 3rd, Liu Hsiao-Wei [True Draco Zoodiac]

Source: 遊戲王官方社團

*Side Deck was not revealed.


1 – 3rd, Tu Kai-Hsiang [True Draco Zoodiac]

Source: 遊戲王官方社團



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3 Responses

  1. Can we get that Trickstar decklist?

  2. anime.Matte99 says:

    Can you post the decklist of windwitch trickstar in the top?

  3. Deck list for Grandora Lightsworn please

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