Ranking Tournament (2015.01.10) with Yosenju


After the New Year Tournament, I speculated that the local metagame will comprise of Blackwing, Dragon Ruler, Nekroz, Qliphort and Shaddoll.

As a couple of those decks were running Mathematician, I felt that Macro Cosmos was a better threat compared to Vanity’s Emptiness. Since Macro Cosmos conflicted with Tellarknight’s playstyle, I had to look for another theme that could be ran with Thunder King Rai-Oh.

And so I turned to the Yosenju.


Deck List


Deck List - Yosenju


Swiss Round 1: Blackwing


Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame

In Game 1, my opponent opened by setting a face-down Monster and a face-down Spell/Trap. My read was that he had set Blackwing – Pinaka the Waxing Moon and Icarus Attack, and so I responded with Thunder King Rai-Oh. I found myself with a second Thunder King Rai-Oh the next turn which joined the first and dealt some rather significant damage to my opponent. My opponent was finally able to answer my Thunder King Rai-Ohs with his Icarus Attack, but I quickly ended the game with my Yosenju on the following turn.

Side Out Side In
2 Forbidden Chalice
2 Magic Cylinder
3 Macro Cosmos
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
2 Mirror Force
1 Starlight Road
1 Torrential Tribute

Game 2 was a war of attrition where I came out ahead due to the pluses and pressure from Heroic Challenger – Assault Halberd.

Match Result: OO


Swiss Round 2: Qliphort


Qliphort Scout

In Game 1, I had to play around Skill Drain by activating my Evilswarm Exciton Knight upon successful summon and follow with a Torrential Tribute. Unfortunately he had another Qliphort Scout after that board wipe and my Number 103: Ragnazero was no match against Qliphort Shell.

Side Out Side In
2 Forbidden Chalice
2 Magic Cylinder
3 Macro Cosmos
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Twister
2 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute

Game 2 was a quick one as I had Ring of Destruction followed by a Yosenju rush down.

Game 3 I was stuck with a hand of 4 Yosenju and was pretty much all-in with no Spell/Trap removal. I was punished by Torrential Tribute.

Match Result: XOX


Swiss Round 3: Shaddoll


El Shaddoll Construct

Game 1 ended quickly with me revealing only Heroic Challenger – Assault Halberd as I was locked out by Dark Armed Dragon and El Shaddoll Winda.

Side Out Side In
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Magic Cylinder
2 Torrential Tribute
2 Nobleman of Crossout
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Mirror Force
1 Starlight Road

In Game 2, my opponent had Gorz the Emissary of Darkness which proved to be problematic, but she tributed it for Shaddoll Beast, which was promptly taken out by Nobleman of Crossout. My opponent eventually was able to lock me out with El Shaddoll Winda, but over the next couple of turns I was able to sneak in the finishing blow with Yosenju Kamanitachi‘s direct attack.

Game 3, my opponent opened with no Shaddoll monsters even after a Card Destruction. The game was quickly over as she was unable to trigger her Gorz the Emissary of Darkness as she found herself with insufficient monsters to activate the previously set Pot of Avarice.

Match Result: XOO


Swiss Round 4: Tellarknight


Stellaknight Deltatheros

In Game 1, I had Macro Cosmos in response to Satellarknight Unukalhai followed with Thunder King Rai-Oh to seal the game.

Side Out Side In
2 Forbidden Chalice
3 Macro Cosmos
2 Magic Cylinder
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
2 Mirror Force
1 Starlight Road
1 Torrential Tribute

In Game 2, Thunder King Rai-Oh had a soft lock on him, resulting in him having to perform a disadvantageous Xyz Summon in order to force a negation from Thunder King Rai-Oh. The following was just beating down with my Yosenju.

Match Result: OO


Swiss Round 5: Qliphort


Qliphort Scout

Game 1 saw my opponent burst with Qliphort Disk bringing me down to 700 LP. I was able to response with 3 Yosenju on the next turn. Forbidden Chalice negated Qliphort Disk, allowing Yosenju Kamaitachi to bounce it, opening up the path for a rush down.

Side Out Side In
2 Forbidden Chalice
2 Magic Cylinder
3 Macro Cosmos
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Twister
2 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute

In Game 2 was a simple rush down with my Yosenju. I had Night Beam this time round to avoid the Torrential Tribute tragedy from happening again.

Match Result: OO


Top 8: –


My opponent had to rush for dinner, so he dropped from the tournament.


Top 4: Nekroz


Nekroz of Trishula

In Game 1, I had no answer to his Nekroz of Trishula and was promptly defeated.

Side Out Side In
2 Night Beam
3 Macro Cosmos
2 Mirror Force
3 Vanity’s Emptiness

Game 2 saw his Gishki Chain missing to fetch any Ritual cards, and was unable to perform any Ritual Summon. I simply rush down with my Yosenju.

Game 3 saw Nekroz of Decisive Armor summoned early. My attempt to bounce Nekroz of Decisive Armor with Yosenju Kamaitachi was foiled by Nekroz of Trishula. Ring of Destruction took out Nekroz of Decisive Armor on his turn, and I was able to follow with Thunder King Rai-Oh. As my opponent was left with 2800 LP, I flooded the board with Yosenju and went for Gagaga Cowboy to burn 800 damage and finished with Number 82: Heartlandraco. Turns out that I narrowly dodged a bullet as my opponent had Fire Hand set face-down on the field.

On the note of Fire Hand and Ice Hand, I may have to consider keeping Macro Cosmos after side decking.

Match Result: XOO


Final: Shaddoll


El Shaddoll Construct

In Game 1, my opponent drew no Shaddoll monsters even after a Card Destruction. He conceded shortly.

Side Out Side In
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Magic Cylinder
2 Torrential Tribute
2 Nobleman of Crossout
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Mirror Force
1 Starlight Road

Game 2 saw my opponent activating Torrential Tribute against my Thunder King Rai-Oh so that his Shaddoll Hedgehog was able to resolve. Using Instant Fusion into Elder God Noden, I summoned Number 16: Shock Master and called “Monster Effect” in an attempt to lock down his Shaddoll effects. Number 16: Shock Master was swiftly taken out by Dark Hole on the next turn. Following turns were just rushing down with my Yosenju.

Match Result: OO




With a record of 6-1, I was pleasantly surprised to have won the 32 players ranking tournament. Yosenju is quite a force to be reckoned with, especially with the Thunder King Rai-Oh and Macro Cosmos lock down.

Moving forward, I would find space to main deck 1 Starlight Road as I often found myself struggling to play around Torrential Tribute. The Extra Deck could also use a Lightning Chidori and a second Gagaga Cowboy.

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1 Response

  1. nice build, still need one new lv 4 yosenju. Maybe in CROSS.

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