OCG 2024.01 Metagame Report #5, #6

Welcome to Week #5, #6 of the OCG 2024.01 format.

This report tabulates 242 top-performing decks from 56 tournaments that were held in Japan, China Mainland and South Korea during 3 – 16 February 2024.

Update: Revised with additional data from “Delight CS”, “Card Village 3v3 Team Tournament”, “Bingo Card Store Tournament”, “Qingyuan Yu-Gi-Oh! Annual Tournament” and “Joe & Jim Card Store 1st New Year Tournament”.

New Product Release

  • The Legend of Duelist Promotion Pack

Metagame Breakdown

  • 61 Sinful Spoils Snake-Eye Fire King
  • 34 Voiceless Voice
  • 23 Snake-Eye
  • 14 Tenpai Dragon (6 Tenpai Dragon, 3 Sky Striker Tenpai Dragon, 2 Kashtira Tenpai Dragon, 2 Rokket Tenpai Dragon, 1 Eldlich Tenpai Dragon)
  • 10 Floowandereeze
  • 8 Branded (4 Grass Branded, 4 Branded)
  • 7 Centur-Ion (3 Centur-Ion, 2 Bystial Resonator Centuri-Ion, 1 Bystial Centuri-Ion, 1 Horus Resonator Centuri-Ion)
  • 6 Salamangreat
  • 5 Ritual Beast
  • 4 Infernoid (1 Grass Infernoid, 2 Grass Sinful Spoils Snake-Eye Infernoid, 1 Grass Sinful Spoils Infernoid)
  • 4 Melodious
  • 4 Rikka (3 Ragnaraika Sunavalon Rikka, 1 Ragnaraika Rikka)
  • 4 Sinful Spoils Snake-Eye Rescue-ACE
  • 3 Labrynth (2 Labrynth, 1 Unchained Labrynth)
  • 3 Melodious Supreme King
  • 3 Vaalmonica
  • 2 Chimera
  • 2 Dinosaur (1 Dinosaur, 1 Sinful Spoils Evolzar Dinosaur)
  • 2 Grass Vernusylph Adamancipator Naturia
  • 2 Horus SPYRAL
  • 2 Ice Barrier (1 Ice Barrier, 1 Runick Ice Barrier)
  • 2 Magician (1 Supreme King Magician, 1 Supreme King Z-ARC Magician)
  • 2 Mannadium
  • 2 Mathmech Code Talker
  • 2 Sky Striker
  • 2 Spright Tri-Brigade
  • 2 Synchron (1 Grass Superheavy Samurai Adventurer Synchron, 1 Grass Superheavy Samurai Sinful Spoils Mannadium Synchron)
  • 2 Tri-Brigade Lyrilusc
  • 2 Yubel (1 Yubel, 1 Unchained Yubel)
  • 1 Dinomorphia
  • 1 D/D
  • 1 Evil Eye
  • 1 Exosister
  • 1 Grass Dragon Link
  • 1 Grass Tearlaments Shaddoll Branded
  • 1 Horus Spright
  • 1 Lightsworn FTK
  • 1 Mathmech @Ignister
  • 1 Marincess
  • 1 Meta Beat
  • 1 Mikanko Phantom Knights
  • 1 Ogdoadic
  • 1 Purrely
  • 1 Ragnaraika Traptrix
  • 1 Runick
  • 1 Sinful Spoils Mikanko Infernoble Knight
  • 1 Sinful Spoils Scareclaw
  • 1 Slifer Vernusylph Adamancipator
  • 1 Superheavy Samurai Dracoslayer
  • 1 Unchained
  • 1 Vanquish Soul
  • 1 Vaylantz

Fire King

Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit is a tech against Tenpai Dragon, and has become a common sight in the Side Deck. Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit is used to destroy Sangen Summoning when it activates its effect to add a “Tenpai Dragon” monster from deck to hand. Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit could also be played against Voiceless Voice and Centur-Ion, making it a worthy inclusion in the Side Deck.

Thrower tweeted (@thro_world) that he had no way to out the opponent’s Borrelend Dragon in the final match against Rokket Tenpai Dragon, because Sinful Spoils Snake-Eye Fire King relies mostly on monster effects that either targets or destroys to remove the opponent’s threats. A common solution would be to run Underworld Goddess of the Closed World instead of Decode Talker Heatsoul in the Extra Deck.

Thrower (スローワ) went 8-2 and finished 2nd in “RAM Festival (Akabane Venue)” which had 127 participants.

Voiceless Voice

Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion has a wide coverage in the current metagame and is a decent option to run in the Main Deck.

Against Fire King and Snake-Eye, Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion could be used to negate the activation of Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon ③ effect or Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames ②③ effect. Against Voiceless Voice, Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion could be used to negate the activation of Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice ① effect, Pre-Preparation of Rites effect, or Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice ③ effect.

Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion also doubles up to protect your own Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice from being banished by the opponent’s Called by the Grave or Bystial monsters.

Doragusu (どらぐす) went 6-1 (excluding 1 bye) and finished 5 – 8th in “RAM Festival (Akabane Venue)” which had 127 participants.


Snake-Eyes Diabellstar is a new card from Legacy of Destruction that has greatly boosted Snake-Eye decks.

Divine Temple of the Snake-Eye can now be used to place Snake-Eyes Diabellstar face-up in your Spell & Trap Zone as a Continuous Spell. Snake-Eyes Diabellstar would then be able to Special Summon itself, and then place another FIRE monster from graveyard in your Spell & Trap Zone as a Continuous Spell. Not only is Snake-Eyes Diabellstar an additional body for Link Summon, the other FIRE monster placed in Spell & Trap Zone as a Continuous Spell could also be used as cost to activate Snake-Eye Ash or Snake-Eye Oak effect. This would translate to an additional Pitknight Earlie in the opening setup.

Snake-Eyes Diabellstar is also a Spellcaster monster and could be Special Summoned by Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians effect.

Goyoku (ゴウヨク) went 7-2 and finished 3 – 4th in “RAM Festival (Akabane Venue)” which had 127 participants.

Tenpai Dragon

Tenpai Dragon is a new theme from Legacy of Destruction that is able to dish out an absurd amount of damage during the Battle Phase, as covered in the Tenpai Dragon Combo article.

Kutora concluded in his note (天盃龍) that Kaiser Colosseum is his answer for the current metagame.

When going first, Kaiser Colosseum is used with Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres to setup a lock that limits the opponent to 1 monster. If Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres is attacked, its effect would bounce the attacking monster back to hand, and then Special Summon another Dragon monster from deck to keep Kaiser Colosseum active. One scenario that happened during the tournament was the opponent attacked Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres with a monster, and Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres effect was activated to bounce that monster, but was banished and negated by the opponent’s Called by the Grave. During Main Phase 2, when the opponent Special Summoned a Link Monster, he Special Summoned Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay from hand and that re-enabled Kaiser Colosseum.

When going second, Kaiser Colosseum is also useful against Fire King and Snake-Eye. As long as you control at least 1 monster and have less monsters than the opponent, then Kaiser Colosseum would prevent the opponent from using Fire King High Avatar Kirin or Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames effect.

Kutora (クトラ) went 9-1 and finished 1st in “RAM Festival (Akabane Venue)” which had 127 participants.


The impact of Legacy of Destruction is slowly showing in the competitive scene. Voiceless Voice and Snake-Eye are only running 1 new card but that has greatly improved their build and are getting more tops across tournaments. Tenpai Dragon has become a respectable contender and players are allocating Side Deck slots against them.

Centur-Ion and Melodious are also getting some tops in notable amount but not significant yet.

If you enjoyed these Weekly Metagame Reports, consider supporting Road of the King on Patreon. Cheers!


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2 Responses

  1. Ligma says:

    Anyone got a link to the Slifer Vernusylph Adamancipator list?

  2. Izul says:

    Is there any AE metagame report yet?? Didnt ae already became weekly in any lgs (official store?)

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