OCG 2019.01 Metagame Report #5, #6

Welcome to Week #5, #6 of the OCG 2019.01 format.

This report will tabulate 61 top-performing decks from 9 tournaments that were held in Japan during 2 – 10 February 2019.


New Product Release

  • 20th Anniversary Legend Collection


Metagame Breakdown

  • 18 Salamangreat
  • 12 Sky Striker
  • 9 Orcust
  • 4 Zefra:
    • 2 Dinosaur Zefra
    • 2 Speedroid Zefra
  • 3 Altergeist
  • 3 Magician
  • 2 Cyber Dragon
  • 2 Madolche
  • 2 Subterror
  • 2 Thunder Dragon
  • 1 Dinosaur Thunder Dragon
  • 1 Gandora-X FTK
  • 1 Grass Infernoid
  • 1 Mekk-Knight



Neji (ネジ) went 6-1-1 and finished 1st in “10th Larpy CS” (3v3 Team) which had 58 teams (174 participants).

He had prepared against Orcust in his Extra Deck and Side Deck.

The Abyss Dweller in the Extra Deck is to prevent Orcust monsters such as Orcust Knightmare, Orcust Harp Horror, Orcust Cymbal Skeleton and World Legacy – “World Wand” from activating their graveyard effect. Abyss Dweller is also occasionally useful in the Salamangreat mirror match and Sky Striker matchup to prevent Salamangreat Spinny, Salamangreat Foxy, Salamangreat Jack Jaguar, Salamangreat Falco and Sky Striker Ace- Raye from activating their graveyard effect to Special Summon themselves.

Artifact Lancea is also useful for stopping Orcust Knightmare, Orcust Harp Horror, Orcust Cymbal Skeleton and World Legacy – “World Wand” from banishing themselves and thus disrupting the Orcust combo for a turn.

After Artifact Lancea ② effect was activated and resolved, if Salamangreat Roar that was set on the field by its own ② effect was activated, the effect of Lancea would prevent Roar from banishing itself. Roar would go to the graveyard, and could be recurred again on the next turn.


Sky Striker

Cherenko (チェレンコ) had back-to-back top placing over the weekend.

On Saturday, he went 6-2 and finished 1 – 2nd in “7th Miyagi CS” (3v3 Team).

On Sunday, he went 6-1 and finished 3 – 4th in “10th Larpy CS” (3v3 Team) which had 58 teams (174 participants).

He ran 2 D.D. Crow in his Main Deck.

D.D. Crow is great against the current top 3 decks – Salamangreat, Sky Striker and Orcust.

Against Salamangreat, D.D. Crow is used to banish Salamangreat Spinny, Salamangreat Foxy, Salamangreat Jack Jaguar or Salamangreat Falco to stop them from Special Summoning themselves from the graveyard. It can also be used to banish Salamangreat Roar and Salamangreat Rage to prevent Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf from recurring them.

Against Sky Striker, D.D. Crow is used to stop Sky Striker Ace – Kagari from taking back a Spell by banishing it, and banishing Sky Striker Ace – Raye to stop its Special Summon from the graveyard. Although D.D. Crow can also be used against Pot of Avarice by banishing one of its targets causing it to fizzle, the Sky Striker player would typically resolve Sky Striker Mecha Modules – Multirole ① effect first so that Pot of Avarice cannot be chained to.

Against Orcust, D.D. Crow is activated preemptively to banish Orcust Knightmare, Orcust Harp Horror, Orcust Cymbal Skeleton or World Legacy – “World Wand” before the opponent could activate their graveyard effect. However, once Orcustrated Babel is on the field, the graveyard effect of Orcust can be chained to D.D. Crow, rendering it ineffective.



Sea Archer (シーアーチャー) went 7-1 and finished 1st in “10th Larpy CS” (3v3 Team) which had 58 teams (174 participants).

The current build of Orcust is trending towards using Armageddon Knight and Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frisson for starting off the Orcust combo.

Armageddon and Destrudo can be used to for the standard Knightmare Cerberus or Knightmare Phoenix into Knightmare Mermaid, but also opens up an alternative option of going into Crystron Halqifibrax.

In the scenario that he drew his only copy of Orcust Knightmare, rendering Knightmare Mermaid useless, going into Halqifibrax will allow him to bring out Jet Synchron to discard it, or go for Orcust Bass Bombard to Special Summon it from hand.

The 3 copies of Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay also allows him to return Orcust Knightmare to the deck when going second.

This allows him to optimize the build by running the minimal amount of Orcust Knightmare.



Salamangreat, Sky Striker and Orcust are the current top decks to beat.

Orcust has proven itself to be quite a threat causing players to run specific tech such as Artifact Lancea against them.

If you enjoyed these Weekly Metagame Reports, do consider supporting Road of the King on Patreon. Thank you.


  • 2019-02-09 | 7th Miyagi CS (1 – 2nd: A, B, C | 1 – 2nd: A, B, C)
  • 2019-02-02 | 10th Larpy CS (1st: A, B | 2nd: A, B | 3rd: A, B)

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7 Responses

  1. Lelixper says:

    Hi 🙂 do you mind sharing the Dino Zefra list? Great work as always!

  2. ok says:

    How does Salamangreat search Ash Blossom?

  3. Jerry says:

    I’m interested in the Cyber dragon lists, any way to share that?

  4. Amet Monegro says:

    Where’s Mekk-Knight recipe?


  5. Lau Yu Yao says:

    Where can I find the Madolche list? 😁

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