OCG 2018.07 Metagame Report #6, #7

Welcome to Week #6, #7 of the OCG 2018.07 format.

This report will tabulate 51 top-performing decks from 8 tournaments that were held in Japan and China during 5 – 14 August 2018.


New Product Release

  • Saikyō Jump September 2018 promotional card
    • Super Armored Robot Weapon – Black Iron “C”
  • Deck Build Pack: Hidden Summoners


Metagame Breakdown

  • 13 Sky Striker
  • 11 Altergeist
  • 4 Good Stuff Link
  • 3 Junk Doppel
  • 3 Thunder Dragon
  • 2 Greener Infernoid
  • 2 HERO Gouki
  • 2 Magician:
    • 1 Performapal Magician
    • 1 Performapal Supreme King Magician
  • 2 Trickstar
  • 1 ABC
  • 1 Blackwing
  • 1 Cyber Dragon
  • 1 Greener HERO Plant FTK
  • 1 Lightsworn
  • 1 SPYRAL
  • 1 Wind-Up FTK
  • 1 Yang Zing Dinosaur
  • 1 Zefra


Sky Striker

kazuma went 6-0-2 and finished 1st in “43rd Adachi CS with Hatti CS” (3v3 Team).

The recent surge in popularity of Altergeist running Secret Village of the Spellcasters is giving Sky Striker a difficult time.

To improve the odds against Secret Village of the Spellcasters, Sky Striker is back to running Clara & Rushka, the Ventriloduo in the Extra Deck, and 1 Effect Veiler in the Main Deck.

Effect Veiler can be Special Summoned by Crystron Halqifibrax and that would allow the Sky Striker player to activate Twin Twisters or Harpie’s Feather Duster to destroy Secret Village.

Dinowrestler Pankratops and Typhoon are available in the Side Deck to deal with Secret Village.



Hasegawa Akira (3rd in World Championship 2015, 5 – 8th in World Championship 2018) and Arikawa Ryuhei (5 – 8th in World Championship 2018) were running Altergeist and finished 3 – 4th together as a team in “10th Yokkaichi Cup with Hatti CS” (3v3 Team).

Hasegawa went 8-0, while Arikawa went 5-3. Both were running similar list, except for the Side Deck where Arikawa cut 1 Zombie World and 2 Heavy Storm Duster for 1 Dinowrestler Pankratops and 2 Skull Meister.

The increased popularity of Altergeist meant that the mirror match is a more frequent occurrence now, causing Anti-Spell Fragrance to be less desirable in the Main Deck.

Without Anti-Spell Fragrance, Hasegawa has to make up for his Spell disruption by going for 3 Secret Village of the Spellcasters and 1 Metaverse.

Metaverse functions as the 4th copy of Secret Village of the Spellcasters, and remains useful after Side Decking for pulling out Necrovalley or Zombie World.

Necrovalley is disruptive to Gouki, ABC, while Zombie World stops Thunder Dragon from Special Summoning Thunder Dragon Colossus and Thunder Dragon Titan.



The current competitive scene has Sky Striker and Altergeist split at the top, while Thunder Dragon and Gouki has fallen out of favor.

Unfortunately Deck Build Pack: Hidden Summoners has no impact on the competitive scene.

The Bon Festival in Japan is a week long break that starts on 13 August and there are several tournaments being held everyday.

The biggest tournament in China, the 8th China National Championship (CNC) will also be taking place in the upcoming weekend.

The results from these tournaments in Week #8 will be monumental in shaping the competitive scene for the rest of the OCG 2018.07 format.

If you enjoyed these Weekly Metagame Reports, do consider supporting Road of the King on Patreon. Thank you.


  • 2018-08-11 | 42nd Adachi CS with Hatti CS (1st: A, B, C | 2nd: A, B, C)

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10 Responses

  1. Is the junk doppel deck list available? I’m a little bit interested.

  2. henryr199 says:

    What is good stuff link?

  3. Henry says:

    What is good stuff link?

  4. Luis says:

    Is the cyber dragon deck list available?

  5. YuutoShi says:

    It the Lightsworn deck list available?

  6. X99jose says:

    Good stuff libk deck list??

  7. Frank Wang says:

    Good stuff link should be something similar to gouki but use hero engine

  8. Kacper Chabros says:

    What exactly does Junk Doppel do in the OGC? Could you please do a combo post about it.

  9. Carlos says:

    Does anyone have the ABC decklist?

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