Dark Magician Tournament Tianjin

Dark Magician Tournament Tianjin was held on 21 November 2020 in Tianjin, China Mainland and had 110 participants.


  • 7 rounds of Swiss
  • Top 24 wins a Prismatic Secret Rare Dark Magician


1st 理科 Virtual World
2nd zhengzebin Prank-Kids
3rd 心梦 Prank-Kids
4th 齐hesa Thunder Dragon
5th 辉斩 Danger Tempest Magician FTK
6th 幻影 Prank-Kids
7th kuro Virtual World
8th Mage


1st, 理科 [Virtual World]

Source: 游戏王OCG映核社


3rd, 心梦 [Prank-Kids]

Source: 龙道游戏王


5th, 辉斩 [Danger Tempest Magician FTK]

Source: 成都宵星卡牌工作室



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3 Responses

  1. 机油0104 says:

    2nd place, zhengzebin. 5th place, 辉斩, Danger! Tempest Magician FTK. 6th place, 幻影, prank-kids. 7th place, kuro, Virtual World.

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