CCT 2021 Qingdao

China City Tournament 2021 Qingdao was held on 18 December 2021 and had 213 participants.


  • 7 rounds of Swiss, Top 16 Single-Elimination


1st 黑天使 Destiny HERO Branded Despia
2nd Destiny HERO Subterror
3 – 4th 馆长 Destiny HERO Adventurer Cyberse
ケルキオン Destiny HERO Adventurer Phantom Knights
5 – 8th 李博刚 HERO
漆叶绮凛 Adventurer Prank-Kids
Sylvanas焰影 Branded Dogmatika Dragonmaid
9 – 16th 妖梦粉丝
不会取名的路人 Sky Striker
死冥权能 Destiny HERO Adventurer Phantom Knights
暗律 Destiny HERO Adventurer Phantom Knights
光脉 シルドミリア Destiny HERO Adventurer Phantom Knights
无解 Tenyi Swordsoul


CCT 2021 Qingdao Top 4


1st, 黑天使 [Destiny HERO Branded Despia]

Source: 游戏王卡片游戏


2nd, 痕 [Destiny HERO Subterror]

Source: 游戏王卡片游戏, 决斗都市DuelCity


3 – 4th, 馆长 [Destiny HERO Adventurer Cyberse]

Source: 游戏王卡片游戏


3 – 4th, ケルキオン [Destiny HERO Adventurer Phantom Knights]

Source: 游戏王卡片游戏


5 – 8th, Sylvanas焰影 [Branded Dogmatika Dragonmaid]

Source: 游戏王OCG映核社



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3 Responses

  1. Konstantin says:

    How die the Subterror list get second place I tested it it’s so bad and bricks wtf lol I lost against shitty code talker

  2. LyonSyn says:

    Is there a way to find out what the hero player played?

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