Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Asia Card Sleeves 2016

The card sleeves released in 2016 comes in the popular shiny surface, but the design are generic and are no longer based on any actual cards.

This article will cover all official card sleeves that were distributed in the OCG Asia regions in 2016. The card sleeves are listed in chronological order by date of distribution.

For the older card sleeves distributed in the OCG Asia regions:


YOT Taiwan 2016

The Yu-Gi-Oh! Open Tournament Taiwan 2016 card sleeves were given out to participants of the YOT Taiwan 2016 Asia Premier tournament.

The sleeves are also given out to winners of the YOT Taiwan 2016 Regionals and the Top 64 players of the YOT Taiwan 2016 main event.

These card sleeves comes in a pack of 70. The sleeves are good-fitting, of good quality, and comes with a shiny surface.


Asia Championship 2016

The Asia Championship 2016 card sleeves were given out to participants of the Asia Championship 2016 Qualifiers that were held in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand.

These card sleeves comes in a pack of 70. The sleeves are good-fitting, of good quality, and comes with a shiny surface.


Ranking Tournament 2015

The Ranking Tournament 2015 card sleeves were given out to Top 100 Duelists of Hong Kong and Taiwan, and the Top 50 Duelists of Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore.

These card sleeves comes in a pack of 70. The sleeves are good-fitting, of good quality, and comes with a shiny surface.


YOT Taiwan 2016

YOT Taiwan 2016

Asia Championship 2016

Asia Championship 2016

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2 Responses

  1. Which of these are the most desirable?

    • Akira says:

      It’s down to personal preference. YOT Taiwan 2016 and Asia Championship 2016 card sleeves are colorful and vibrant, but quite common. Ranking Tournament 2015 card sleeves is much duller, but is the rarest among the 3 (only a total of 350 packs were given out).

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