Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Asia Card Sleeves 2014


Continuing from 2004 to 2013, 2014 saw more sleeves being distributed in OCG Asia.

While the quantity increased, the quality retrogressed, going from the popular shiny surface, to a mere glossy one.

The card sleeves are listed in chronological order by date of distribution.


Top Store 2014



The Top Store 2014 is an invite-only tournament that was held in Taiwan.

The Top Store 2014 card sleeves were given out to the players who participated in the Top Store 2014 tournament.

These card sleeves comes in a pack of 70. The sleeves are good-fitting, of good quality, and comes with a nice shiny surface.

The design is similar to the Top Store 2013 sleeves that were distributed in Malaysia.


Ranking Tournament 2013



The Ranking Tournament Top 100 Asia Region card sleeves were given out to the Top 100 Duelists of each region – Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. Hence, there are 600 packs of these sleeves in circulation.

These card sleeves comes in a pack of 100. The sleeves are loose-fitting, of good quality, and comes with a nice shiny golden surface.


Asia Championship 2014



The Asia Championship 2014 card sleeves were given out to the Top 50 Duelists of the Asia Championship 2014 Qualifiers held in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Taiwan.

These card sleeves comes in a pack of 70. The sleeves are good-fitting, of good quality, and comes with a nice shiny surface.


YOT Hong Kong 2014



The Yu-Gi-Oh! Open Tournament Hong Kong 2014 card sleeves were given out to participants of the YOT Hong Kong 2014 Asia Premier tournament.

The sleeves are also given out to winners of the YOT Hong Kong 2014 Regionals and Top 32 of the YOT Hong Kong 2014 main event.

These card sleeves comes in a pack of 70. The sleeves are good-fitting, of decent quality, and comes with a glossy surface.


Asia Judge 2015



The Asia Judge 2015 card sleeves, featuring Masked HERO Dark Law were given out to Judges that volunteered for various official major tournament that were held in OCG Asia from 2014 to 2015.

These card sleeves comes in a pack of 70. The sleeves are good-fitting, of decent quality, and comes with a glossy surface.

Unfortunately, counterfeits of these sleeves in circulation has undermined their value.


Winter Promotion 1



The Winter Promotion 1 card sleeves were given out during the promotion of “Booster SP: Tribe Force”.

The card sleeves comes in 3 different designs, featuring Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight, Shaddoll Fusion and the 4 Dragon Rulers.

These card sleeves comes randomly in a pack of 5. The sleeves are good-fitting, of poor quality, and comes with a glossy surface.

Due to the uneven cutting from the poor manufacturing, these sleeves are not recommended for tournament usage.


Winter Promotion 2



The Winter Promotion 2 card sleeves were given out during the promotion of “The Secret of Evolution”.

The card sleeves comes in 2 different designs, featuring Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Nekroz of Trishula.

These card sleeves comes randomly in a pack of 5. The sleeves are good-fitting, of poor quality, and comes with a glossy surface.

Similar to the Winter Promotion 1 sleeves, these sleeves also suffer from poor manufacturing, and are not recommended for tournament usage.


Ranking Tournament 2013
Top 100 Asia Region


Winter Promotion 1


Winter Promotion 2


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4 Responses

  1. tama says:

    There is another type of sleeve for judge 2015
    Any information about it?
    Sorry for being unfamiliar with english

  2. tama says:

    Thank you for your reply
    I think there are two types of judge sleeves for 2015: Dark Low and the Yu-Gi-Oh logo.
    Is the 2015 Yu-Gi-Oh Judge logo sleeve a fake?

    • Akira says:

      Yes, the 2015 Asia Judge logo sleeves and the Dark Law sleeves in black backing are two known counterfeits. Official Asia Judge 2015 Dark Law sleeves are in white backing.

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