Yu-Gi-Oh! North America WCQ 2024

Yu-Gi-Oh! North America World Championship Qualifier 2024 was held in Austin, Texas on 19 – 21 July 2024 and had 2639 participants. North America World Qualifying Points Playoff 2024 was held alongside and had 16 participants.

North America WQPP 2024


  • Single-Elimination
  • Top 2 players are invited to the Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2024
1 – 2nd Jose Luis Santiago Torres United States Fiendsmith Snake-Eye
Ruben Andres Penaranda United States Fiendsmith Snake-Eye
3 – 4th Logan Patrick Johnson United States Fiendsmith Yubel
George Lucas Sacco United States Fiendsmith Yubel

North America WQPP 2024 Top 2

1 – 2nd, Jose Luis Santiago Torres (US) [Fiendsmith Snake-Eye]

Source: JNC Collectibles

1 – 2nd, Ruben Andres Penaranda (US) [Fiendsmith Snake-Eye]

Source: JNC Collectibles

3 – 4th, George Lucas Sacco (US) [Fiendsmith Yubel]

Source: Lucas Sacco

North America WCQ 2024


  • Day 1: 9 rounds of Swiss, Top 256 advance to Day 2
  • Day 2: 3 more rounds of Swiss, Top 64 Single-Elimination
  • Top 4 players are invited to the Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2024
1st Aditya Shirish Dharap United States Fiendsmith Snake-Eye
2nd Michael Haynes Thomas United States Fiendsmith Snake-Eye
3 – 4th Marshall Emery Demorest III United States Fiendsmith Yubel
Landon Edward Oliver United States Fiendsmith Snake-Eye
5 – 8th Mark Solis United States Fiendsmith Snake-Eye
Logan Patrick Johnson United States Fiendsmith Snake-Eye
Artan Lajqi United States Fiendsmith Yubel
Brandon James Elmore United States Tenpai Dragon

North America WCQ 2024 Top 4

1st, Aditya Shirish Dharap (US) [Fiendsmith Snake-Eye]

Source: Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage, Inspire TCG

2nd, Michael Haynes Thomas (US) [Fiendsmith Snake-Eye]

Source: Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage, Trishula

3 – 4th, Marshall Emery Demorest III (US) [Fiendsmith Yubel]

Source: Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage, Goofy Joey

3 – 4th, Landon Edward Oliver (US) [Fiendsmith Snake-Eye]

Source: Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage, TEAM WUNAX

5 – 8th, Mark Solis (US) [Fiendsmith Snake-Eye]


5 – 8th, Logan Patrick Johnson (US) [Fiendsmith Snake-Eye]

Source: Lucas Sacco

5 – 8th, Brandon James Elmore (US) [Tenpai Dragon]



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