Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Speed Duel World Championship 2024
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Speed Duel World Championship 2024 was held on 7 – 8 September 2024 in Seattle, United States. It was held together with the OCG/TCG World Championship 2024, Master Duel World Championship 2024 and Duel Links Rush Duel World Championship 2024.
Duel Links Speed Duel WCS 2024
1st | Sebastian Villarroel “Shelmy” |
Bolivia | Sky Striker (Playmaker and Ai: Link Darkraze) Chronomaly (Trey: Hope-Filled Chronomaly) Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) Rokket (Varis: Borreload Link) Unchained (Yubel: Fiend’s Exchange) |
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2nd | Kitamura Takuma “た く” |
Japan | Infernoble Knight Fleur (Sherry LeBlanc: Revolution des Fleurs) Sky Striker (Varis: Link Darkraze) Sky Striker Shark (Reginald “Shark” Kastle: Shark Magic Combo) Firewall (Playmaker and Ai: Darkfluid Link) Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) |
[2] |
3 – 4th | Inoue Shota “みさか” |
Japan | Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) Firewall (Playmaker and Ai: Darkfluid Link) Shark (Reginald “Shark” Kastle: Shark Magic Combo) Sky Striker (Varis: Link Darkraze) Chronomaly (Trey: Hope-Filled Chronomaly) |
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3 – 4th | Camron Imeny “Tadashi正” |
United States | Sacred Beast (Yubel: Sacred Beast Beckoning) Infernoble Knight Fleur (Sherry LeBlanc: Revolution des Fleurs) Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) Rokket (Varis: Borreload Link) Sky Striker (Ghost Gal: Link Darkraze) |
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5 – 16th | Kobayashi Yamato “やま@ぶるりすと” |
Japan | Sacred Beast (Yubel: Sacred Beast Beckoning) Infernoble Knight Fleur (Sherry LeBlanc: Revolution des Fleurs) Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) Sky Striker (Spectre: Link Restoration) Firewall (Playmaker and Ai: Darkfluid Link) |
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5 – 16th | Sato Eito “あしゅ” |
Japan | Tachyon (Mizar: Tachyon Dragon Domination) Shark (Reginald “Shark” Kastle: Shark Magic Combo) Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) Chronomaly (Trey: Hope-Filled Chronomaly) Firewall (Playmaker and Ai: Darkfluid Link) |
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5 – 16th | Asano Tomohiro “アサノ” |
Japan | Rokket (Varis: Borreload Link) Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) Sacred Beast (Yubel: Sacred Beast Beckoning) Sky Striker (Ghost Gal: Link Darkraze) Infernoble Knight Fleur (Sherry LeBlanc: Revolution des Fleurs) |
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5 – 16th | Je Wonmo “Sen.GaOV” |
Korea | Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) Rokket (Varis: Borreload Link) Sky Striker (Playmaker and Ai: Link Darkraze) Sacred Beast (Yubel: Sacred Beast Beckoning) Infernoble Knight Fleur (Sherry LeBlanc: Revolution des Fleurs) |
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5 – 16th | Morita Sho “ほわ@” |
Japan | Firewall (Playmaker and Ai: Darkfluid Link) Infernoble Knight Fleur (Sherry LeBlanc: Revolution des Fleurs) Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) Sky Striker (Varus: Link Darkraze) Sky Striker Shark (Reginald “Shark” Kastle: Shark Magic Combo) |
[9A] [9B] |
5 – 16th | Zaid Beseiso “zaidking” |
Canada | Firewall (Playmaker and Ai: Darkfluid Link) Rokket (Varis: Borreload Link) Infernoble Knight Fleur (Sherry LeBlanc: Revolution des Fleurs) Sacred Beast (Yubel: Sacred Beast Beckoning) Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) |
[10] |
5 – 16th | Lee Seungboem “Bocchi” |
Korea | Zombie Synchro (Mizar: Red-Eyes Undead Reborn) Infernoble Knight Fleur (Sherry LeBlanc: Revolution des Fleurs) Shaddoll (Carly Carmine: Shadow-Weaving Power) Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) Sacred Beast (Yubel: Sacred Beast Beckoning) |
[11] |
5 – 16th | Félix Carreto Baltazar “Carret” |
Mexico | Trickstar (Rokket (Varis: Borreload Link) Firewall (Playmaker and Ai: Darkfluid Link) Shark (Reginald “Shark” Kastle: Shark Magic Combo) Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) Performage (Dennis McField: Performage Showtime) |
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5 – 16th | Tomita Yosei “よう、” |
Japan | Sky Striker (Playmaker and Ai: Link Darkraze) Rokket (Varis: Borreload Link) Infernoble Knight Fleur (Sherry LeBlanc: Revolution des Fleurs) Sacred Beast (Yubel: Sacred Beast Beckoning) Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) |
[13] |
5 – 16th | Takayasu Ryosuke “RYOSUKE” |
Japan | Sky Striker (Varus: Link Darkraze) Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) Shark (Reginald “Shark” Kastle: Shark Magic Combo) Firewall (Playmaker and Ai: Darkfluid Link) Chronomaly (Trey: Hope-Filled Chronomaly) |
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5 – 16th | Konagaya Kaito “ACT” |
Japan | Chronomaly (Trey: Hope-Filled Chronomaly) Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) Firewall (Playmaker and Ai: Darkfluid Link) Shark (Reginald “Shark” Kastle: Shark Magic Combo) Tachyon (Mizar: Tachyon Dragon Domination) |
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5 – 16th | Klaas Hiroki Schmidt “zenzoh幻月vivi” |
Germany | Mayakashi (Luna: The Stirring Mayakashi) Sky Striker Shark (Reginald “Shark” Kastle: Shark Magic Combo) Infernoble Knight Fleur (Sherry LeBlanc: Revolution des Fleurs) Sacred Beast (Yubel: Sacred Beast Beckoning) Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield) |
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Duel Links Speed Duel WCS 2024 Top 4

2024 Duel Links Speed Duel World Champion
Sebastian Villarroel “Shelmy” (BO)
1st, Sebastian Villarroel “Shelmy” (BO)
[Sky Striker (Playmaker and Ai: Link Darkraze)]
[Chronomaly (Trey: Hope-Filled Chronomaly)]
[Star Seraph (Dumon: Barian Battlemorph! The Barians’ White Shield)]
[Rokket (Varis: Borreload Link)]
[Unchained (Yubel: Fiend’s Exchange)]
Source: Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2024, @shelmy5444